The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Soooo much buzz over tech companies this year. It’s like.. no other sector exists!!
    Is it over hyped? Not likely if these companies actually PERFORM. Well maybe a little bit... but certainly more meat on the bones than sizzle. Tomorrow will be another purchase day for me if we end in the red GUARANTEED. and it’s likely gonna be more nvda, goog, tsla CRM twlo & now
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    About the ONLY positive thing I can say about today is........we had a great come-back in the last hour of trading. As a result we came back from the much lower market levels earlier in the day. A MORAL VICTORY.

    I CAN also put a positive SPIN on things by saying that the past five trading days are positive by +.53%. And so far this week we have UP days on Monday and Tuesday +1.79% AND NOW we have Wednesday and Tuesday down by (-1.30%). So far the week is a NET positive. Tomorrow will decide things for THIS week. Typical of CURRENT market conditions.

    I believe that the general market direction is STILL.......UP for is an EXTREMELY volatile and JUMPY market.

    "I"......was solidly RED today and lost out to the SP500 by 1.13%. I dont look forward to what the election might do to the economy, the markets, and our culture.......BUT......I am looking forward to being done with it and being able to move on.
  3. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    No matter who wins, there will be no moving on. This country is culturally and socially very ill and needs to self-reflect badly if anything resembling healing and moving on is to happen.

    This applies to the extremes on both sides. THEY are absolutely RUINING this country. Normal people just want to keep their heads above water and do the best they can. But, it is the normal people who are allowing the patients to run the asylum. That needs to end.
  4. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I agree with you @roadtonowhere08
    I keep my personal politics to myself. But at this point it’s quite evident to everyone who lives in this country that the 2 sides are AT WAR with each other and they’re manipulating everyone by ruining our lives and casting the other side as the enemy.
    People need to come together and protest AGAINST the politicians. Stand outside their homes by the THOUSANDS and demand them fix our country NOW. Not wait for some magic wand to heal us in November.
    We elected you and you need to come out of your mansion, walk with us hand in hand, like the crying babies that you are and reach to the other side and agree to work WITH EACH OTHER for US. That’s why we elected you. But the people of this country have such ramped up anger towards each other that they will NEVER do it. It’s easier to hate than to unite and agree to co-exist.
  5. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    To me.......there WILL be moving on. I have positioned myself so my income taxes will be minimal for the rest of my life. I have positioned myself so I have a guaranteed income for the rest of my life. I have no debt. I have no house payment. My TOTAL FOCUS will be on the EXTREME micro level.....immediate family.

    I will TOTALLY focus on what provides the BEST future for immediate family. There is NOTHING else I can do individually. is just how it is and how it...........actually...........SHOULD be. Family taking care of family......FIRST.

    The BIG CAP tech and other stocks that I own will NOT have any issue, regardless of the election, regardless of who wins. People, society, the country.......... will SIMPLY get what and who they "PUT" into power and deserve. NEITHER side is going to EVER believe that the election was not stolen. Personally......I believe that there is going to be such a post-election mess.......with how things are being positioned right now.......that it will drag on for months. Will the election results be legitimate and accurate.......I strongly doubt it.

    EVERY statement in the last paragraph above........IF posted on a Democrat site would probably bring nearly total agreement.......IF posted on a Republican site would probably bring nearly total agreement. investor......I have to live in the world of REALITY. ESPECIALLY as a long term investor.
    B Russ likes this.
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    5,315 things unfold......I WILL NOT talk politics on this PUBLIC site.........or any public site. I dont do Facebook, Twitter, or any other from of social media or least personally. I KNOW how to use them and do use them for professional purposes (music)........otherwise I prefer to leave NO (political) RECORD on a public space.

    OTHERS.....are free and welcome to express themselves on any issue.......including politics.......on this thread. If I do not respond, it is not because I am disrespecting you, or agree, or disagree, with you. I just WILL NOT put that sort of information up on permanent PUBLIC sources.

    I remain fully invested for the long term as usual.......AND........will continue to do so. SO.........lets make some money tomorrow to close out the week.
  7. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Again, WXYZ, I think you might have read me wrong.

    Perhaps I should have clarified the "moving on" statement. I am sure the vast majority of us on this board will be financially fine and can move on no matter what the electoral outcome.

    What I was getting at is though the while the individual who has the financial security and social status to move on just fine, millions are directly affected by the decisions that were made and those that will be made in the future. That's not politics. That's just fact. And due to that fact, millions are much more financially and socially invested in local and national politics, because, as TomB16 VERY correctly pointed out in his thread today, the financial chasm between the different financial classes has never been greater. The extreme discontent has been brewing for decades and it is only getting worse. That's not politics. That's just fact.

    Those are issues that will absolutely never go away unless they are remedied to the point where the different financial classes are not so completely bi-polar. The middle class is dying. I do not care if someone has an R or a D by their name, people need to step up and put the stability and sustainability of this country first, everything else be damned.

    Anyone's political leanings on this board really do not matter at all in the context of the above.

    And I hope you do not believe that anyone insinuated that you are selfish for moving on. You're not. I am not really all that affected by who wins in November either, but that's just not reality for far too many people on this planet.
  8. A55

    A55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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    I like the Nikola deal with GM. Once GM builds an electrified 1500, and Nikola sells it as the Honey Badger, I will buy the stock. I won't buy stock in a car company with a fake truck.

    I don't like Trevor Milton.

    I think once Trevor Milton is fired, the company can move forward.
    Screenshot_2020-09-17-19-54-09_kindlephoto-20349676.png Screenshot_2020-09-17-21-47-37.png
  9. Trahn Thompson

    Trahn Thompson Active Member

    Jun 13, 2019
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    I 2nd that quote!! Your a very smart man WXYZ! Happy Investing!
  10. Trahn Thompson

    Trahn Thompson Active Member

    Jun 13, 2019
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    Cloud storage and data collection business is BOOMING. Kind of like a public DARPA ARM. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
  11. The Ragin Cajun

    The Ragin Cajun Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Speaking to that anyone with any insights on the upcoming Palantir IPO next week? Seems like a very interesting one.

    I want to focus a bit more on investing earlier in companies rather than being later to the party. A bit more risk but that doesn’t bother me at this stage.
  12. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I WILL discuss ACTUAL history. Do you REALLY believe that........."the financial chasm between the different financial classes has never been greater"?

    Actually.......I personally believe that statement is TOTALLY false. Just about ANY time in American history up to.........the NEW DEAL ERA..........and even up to about 1946.......I would say the gap between the elites, the haves in society, and the rest of the people has been just as high and probably MUCH higher than today. In MOST of our history there was NO middle class.

    SEE.......that is the big issue with talking these sorts of issues.......what "you" accept as truth is NOT what "I" accept as truth.

    AND....that is fine......but it makes these sorts of discussions a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.

    I come from a personality of being a TOTAL CLINICAL REALIST. I dont take ANYTHING personally in these sorts of discussions. The BIG reason I dont want to "personally" get into this stuff is that it is totally TOXIC.........and.........TOTALLY personal belief........with ZERO chance anyone will convince anyone else of anything. Nothing personal toward anyone on here. Just not my thing to argue online about things that are a waste of time.
    #2112 WXYZ, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  13. AndyHimalaya

    AndyHimalaya New Member

    Sep 18, 2020
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    Hi All,

    I'm new to this forum and stocks in general. I've been reading this forum for a couple weeks, and I really like your investments WXYZ. I'm very much interested in long-term investing, focusing on tech stocks, and I'm only 30 so I can accept a moderate to high amount of risk. Two things though:
    1. I read the recent post about Robinhood and I don't really understand what negative effects that has on my trades. Robinhood is making money on my trades by selling them to High-Frequency Traders, but how does that hurt me? I had already put in ~$2500 into Robinhood and started buying some of the stocks mentioned here, but now I'm not sure if I should get out of it and go with Vanguard or someone else.
    2. As you can probably tell, I'm a huge novice when it comes to stocks. I'm very eager to learn and hope this can be a vehicle to build some money-making assets. What resources (other than this forum) would you suggest to someone brand new at this to help gain some valuable info?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    WELCOME AndyHimalaya

    Starting to invest and being ONLY 30 is HUGE. You have potentially 30-40 years ahead of you as an investor. The ULTIMATE long term horizon..........ESPECIALLY if you are a long term focused investor. YOU are at the beginning of a GREAT adventure.

    You know, I have seen the definition of what is LONG TERM change over the years. seems like many would thing long term investing is perhaps 2, or 3 years or more. I remember not too long ago........10-15 years........long term was the MINIMUM.......5 years.......and BETTER........more like 7 to 10 years.

    If you are a long term investor........not a trader.......there is nothing wrong with using Robinhood as your broker. Personally I use Schwab and prefer a broker with a longer history in business and a more ROBUST presence than just being on my phone. If I can get more services for the same fees......I prefer the company with more services. But that is just me.

    My issue with Robinhood selling the data on their customers is with the millions of short term traders.........mostly young MALES........ that operate on Robinhood.......especially all the options trading. If I am a young male options trader the last thing I want to do is give massive amounts of detailed data to the largest traders in the world, with the most sophisticated computer trading systems in the world,............that have massive capability to use that data to anticipate and possibly front run my trade and manipulate (in legal ways) the MY disadvantage.

    BUT.....for you.....what is really important is the fact that you have now started investing and you have the most IMPORTANT asset anyone can have in investing........TIME.
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Roadtonowhere...........please do not take anything posted above personally. Your input and participation here is important and valuable.
  16. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Oh I have no intention of trying to persuade you of anything. I was just trying to clear up what I believe to be slight misunderstandings in communication.

    Regarding the greater point, I totally agree with you. Debating politics is an absolute waste of time.

    No worries. It's all good. :thumbsup:
  17. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    The thing people don't understand about politics is that my point of view is correct and you are all wrong.

    If you don't like it, then leave the country.

    [Sarcasm:. The use of irony to mock or convey contempt]
    roadtonowhere08, WXYZ and T0rm3nted like this.
  18. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I have been thinking lately........yes I know.......a dangerous thing........that there is now WAY TOO MUCH focus on the part of most investors with......."TECH" companies. Single Industry investing is very dangerous to achieving long term results that are anywhere close to what a BIG average like the SP500 can achieve. That is why I start out with about 50% of any new portfolio being in the SP500 Index and Fidelity Contra counter my stock selection BIAS. AND.....even those two funds double and triple up on the tech side of my portfolio.

    HERE are my current stock holdings and what I consider those companies.....mentally:

    Alphabet Inc - Tech.
    Amazon - Consumer Conglomerate.
    Apple - Consumer Product oriented Tech.
    Costco - Consumer Retailer in food, clothing, and select electronics and goods.
    Home Depot - Home Improvement and Building with a mix of contractor and consumer customers.
    Honeywell - Industrial and Consumer products in defense, city, chemical, industrial, retail and safety.
    Johnson & Johnson - Consumer health products and drugs.
    Nike - Shoes and clothing and sports equipment.
    Microsoft - Tech
    Proctor & Gamble - Consumer Conglomerate
    Tesla - Manufacturing, Batteries, automobiles, etc
    Nvidia - Tech

    My emphasis is the TOP companies in the American economy that are first and foremost the GUTS of our CONSUMER economy. I ......personally ONLY consider GOOGLE, MICROSOFT and NVIDIA to be my "TECH" holdings. Every company today has many aspects of business that are "tech" oriented and "tech" based.....but to me that does not make them ALL tech companies. At least for is a mistake to have a total focus on "TECH" in a portfolio......especially for the long term. My approach has ALWAYS been based on my portfolio as a "WHOLE".....not just individual companies. AND......that requires a good mix of companies in different areas of the economy.
    #2118 WXYZ, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  19. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    "The thing people don't understand about politics is that my point of view is correct and you are all wrong.
    If you don't like it, then leave the country."

    WOW.........I AGREE completely.........we are actually on the same page. Well said TomB16.
  20. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I will say this about investing, in how it relates to politics.

    The most powerful tool in investing is objectivity, IMO. It's a battlefield with flack and smoke in the air. We must try to gain the clearest survey of the field possible.

    An investor, and particularly a trader, should have a view on political events and outcomes, since politics affects the market more than any other factor at this point in time.

    Questions an investor should be asking:

    If Biden wins, how will that impact the market?

    If Trump wins, how will that impact the market?

    If the electoral college is called in, how will that impact the market?

    Republican controlled house?

    Democrat controlled Senate?

    I get it. Politics is a hot button. An acquaintance threatened to shoot me in 08 when I said I thought Obama was going to win. His verbal explosion started, "Why do you want Obama to win?" This man has reasonable intellect but he turns that off and emulates a box of rocks when anything of a political nature is being discussed.

    Surely there is a difference between, "I want candidate X to win." and "What will happen if candidate X wins?" If we aren't smart enough to distinguish this vast differential, we deserve to have our pants stolen by thinking people with trading accounts.
    B Russ and T0rm3nted like this.

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