The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. TireSmoke

    TireSmoke Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Haha, All those things already crossed my mind. If he didn't already have other accounts for retirement I would have steering him towards VOO and VGT. I figured it's better to figure out your risk tolerance 1) Early as possible 2) with as little money as possible. As I tell everyone I don't know how to get rich quick, If I did I wouldn't have taken so long! The other is playing the long game, keep adding money in and reinvest dividends. If it goes up 10%, good. If it goes down 10%, for him as a learning and coping vehicle probably better. if you can't handle the 100$ drop on a $1000 account then you won't be ready for the $100,000 drop on a $1000000 account. I strongly feel that people that start at zero in both investing and building a business make much better decisions and are more level headed that people that inherit or walk into it. We all learn along the way. I look back and see all the pain I could have avoided if I had a mentor from day one (Thanks W for the mentorship the last 5 years!). I have some younger guys come into my shop to build up their cars and I kind of drop the investing idea without pushing it. I will tell you, at least in my area there are some guys in the early 20's with some pretty good money... Since it's pretty acceptable to live at home, most of the ADULT paychecks are pretty disposable. I thought I was a king in high school bringing in a couple grand a month with no real expenses except gas and insurance, think about having $4k or more...
    Lori Myers and WXYZ like this.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Well just steer all those potential young investors to this thread TireSmoke.....we can use more young smart members that are starting out.

    I liked your last post true.
  3. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I like this little article.....on a day when the markets are not relevant at all.....the focus is after the bell. (NVDA earnings)

    Powell’s Speech Wasn’t Groundbreaking
    We didn’t learn much from Jackson Hole.

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Welp, as promised, we kept an eye on the Kansas City Fed’s annual conference at Jackson Hole, and we are frankly disappointed: We have not yet seen anyone in full western wear. Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem gets some casual style points for choosing khakis and a relaxed sport coat Friday, but Fed head Jerome Powell, alas, delivered Friday morning’s keynote in a full suit and tie. Yet we seem to be isolated in our disappointment, because the rest of the Internet is whooping it up over Powell allegedly sending his strongest signal yet that rate cuts are coming in September. We don’t get all the fuss, though, considering his statements after July’s Fed meeting seem stronger on that front. In our view, investors learned nothing new Friday, making this another reminder to tune down monetary policy chatter.

    Powell’s speech Friday was a fairly predictable run-through of the US economy’s recent history—his view of inflation’s rise, the Fed’s perceived lateness in taking it on, and the journey back to average inflation rates. Perhaps inspired by the setting and the long journeys many global policymakers undertook to get there, it was full of travel metaphors only a central bank chief could get away with. “The good ship Transitory was a crowded one, with most mainstream analysts and advanced-economy central bankers on board” was a particular favorite, referencing that the Fed was hardly alone in its initial belief inflation’s rise would be short.

    But times being what they are, the Shirley Temple reference isn’t what got the most attention Friday. That honor went to these two sentences, which followed his observation that upside inflation risks are “diminished” while downside employment risks have “increased”: “The time has come for policy to adjust. The direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks.[ii]

    And boom, there you have it, an alleged commitment to September rate cuts! Except not at all, because he left the timing, magnitude and pace data-dependent. Same old squishy Fedspeak!

    His comments after July’s Fed meeting were arguably firmer, which makes us further question Friday’s to-do. Back then, in response to New York Times Fed correspondent Jeanna Smialek’s direct question about whether markets’ expectation for a September rate cut was reasonable, Powell said the decision would be data-dependent, as always, but that if “the totality of the data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks are consistent with rising confidence on inflation and maintaining a solid labor market, if that test is met, then a reduction in our policy rate could be on the table as soon as the next meeting in September.”[iii]

    Did the Jackson Hole speech amount to a full-throated confirmation those criteria are now met? Not as we read it. It referred to the same economic trends and observations he cited in July: solid economic growth, easing wage growth, slowing inflation and slower job growth. Which makes sense, because we haven’t had many data releases in the intervening 23 days, and those that did come out didn’t deviate from long-running trends. So to us, it seems like Powell mostly repeated his views from July, just with some different phrasing and those fun metaphors. And people leapt on it because this is Jackson Hole, and leaping on Jackson Hole is what people in the financial and economic analysis world do.

    We fail to see the point. The US economy is growing fine at current interest rates. The stock market, close to breakeven from the sharp pullback that started mid-July, has had an impressive bull-market run for nearly two years. Rates aren’t even terribly high when you consider the full history—they are just high versus the bizarrely low rates of the past 15 years. Recency bias makes society think all this stuff is monumental. But with a longer view, we are basically at normal.

    Then, too, what is the point of trying to pinpoint the precise timing and magnitude of a rate cut? Trading on it seems foolhardy. Markets have no preset reaction to Fed moves. They pre-price widely held expectations and then mostly do their own thing. Short-term moves are often a function of traders’ opinions, which run the gamut. Maybe the market will rise if the Fed cuts in three weeks. Maybe it will go up and down and up and down. Maybe it will sink like a stone if everyone has bought the rumor and decided to sell the news. Maybe it will go sideways. Maybe any number of other events will affect traders’ decisions even more than the Fed. There is just no way to know, and it is all so short-term that it is basically meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    To us, the main takeaway here is one about investor sentiment. People are waiting with bated breath for an action the Fed typically undertakes when economic conditions are worsening. There is a long history of rate hike cycles starting in bad times, not good. We aren’t bearish, and the totality of the evidence—both coincident and forward-looking—points to good times for the US economy. But a mid-cycle rate cut that the Fed undertakes because it can, not a cut policymakers think they have to make, is the exception. Not the rule. So we can see a case for a rate cut adding to complacency in the marketplace.

    This is one of many factors we are weighing presently. Understanding the state of sentiment is always challenging, but it is critical to formulating any market forecast or outlook.


    It is nice to see someone else that knows the current rates are HISTORICALLY in the NORMAL range. What is abnormal is the extreme low rates we have had since 2008. In fact a look at a historical rate chart shows that the Ten Year Rate is.....even the low end of the range.

    But....I will welcome rate cuts.....for the psychology of it all and to get the media to shut up about the FED.
  4. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I no longer own this stock. I had it for a short time but sold all shares when NVDA was on sale and I was looking for some montey to take advantage of the sale. I am posting this because the company was mentioned on here and there might be others that own or are thinking of owning this company.

    Super Micro stock plunges after company delays annual report following short-seller report

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS......."ALLEGATIONS".....I am NOT saying that any of this info is is "ALLEGATIONS".

    "Super Micro Computer (SMCI) stock plunged as much as 25% on Wednesday after the company said it would delay the filing of its annual report for its fiscal year that ended June 30.

    The announcement comes a day after short seller Hindenburg Research claimed, among other things, "accounting manipulation" at the artificial intelligence high flyer.

    "SMCI is unable to file its Annual Report within the prescribed time period without unreasonable effort or expense," the company said in a statement. "Additional time is needed for SMCI’s management to complete its assessment of the design and operating effectiveness of its internal controls over financial reporting as of June 30, 2024."

    Super Micro shares soared from $290 in early January to about $1,200 by March. The stock was added to the S&P 500 (^GSPC) in March.

    Super Micro stock is now off more than 60% from its March peak but is still up 50% year to date. The company recently announced a 10-for-1 stock split effective Oct. 1.

    The stock fell about 2% on Tuesday after Hindenburg said its three-month investigation "found glaring accounting red flags, evidence of undisclosed related party transactions, sanctions and export control failures, and customer issues." The firm also disclosed it had taken a short position in Super Micro.

    The maker of data center servers and management software captured the attention of investors this year as it rode the AI wave. The company buys components from AI chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA).

    In its report, Hindenburg claimed that despite a $17.5 million settlement in August 2020 with the SEC following an inquiry for "widespread accounting violations," Super Micro's business practices did not improve, and senior executives who had left amid the scandal were later rehired.

    The report quoted a former salesperson: "Almost all of them are back. Almost all of the people that were let go that were the cause of this malfeasance."

    "Even after the SEC settlement, pressure to meet quotas pushed salespeople to stuff the channel with distributors using 'partial shipments' or by shipping defective products around quarter-end, per our interviews with former employees and customers," Hindenburg said in its report.

    "All told, we believe Super Micro is a serial recidivist.""


    As I said....all the above is simply "alleged" at this point. Time will tell what is truth and what is not.....after all this is a short seller of the stock making these " they do have an interest in the company stock going down. is no way I would touch this company at this point.

  5. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    We are seeing pre-earnings jitters for NVDA today. Typical for the short term markets. I really dont care....we will know the TRUTH in about five hours.

    We are also seeing a distracted market today with no energy. The SP500 and NASDAQ are both mildly red right now.
    TireSmoke likes this.
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I have a SINGLE stock in the green today.....HD.

    I have ZERO expectation for the market today. AND....unfortunately....I am not sure NVDA can meet the current expectations NO MATTER how off the charts their earnings are.

    I just believe that the AI SPEED TRADERS and the financial media are going to drive the stock down post-earnings for a day or two.....probably....for no reason at all.

    I do expect the earnings to be HUGE and a massive BEAT.

    I hope I am wrong but I do not trust the "honesty" of the short term.
  7. rg7803

    rg7803 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Not getting in political issues but I really liked particulary this part :tongue:....

    "But these plans — which include the taxation of unrealized capital gains on holdings not yet sold — would face an uphill fight on Capitol Hill even if Harris wins big. Many of the critiques also vastly overstate how far-reaching they would be..."
    TireSmoke and WXYZ like this.
  8. rg7803

    rg7803 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    @WXYZ glad you bailed out SMC
    did you see today.....a sharp fall
    WXYZ likes this.
  9. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    YES....Rg....that company is in BIG trouble right now.

    In fact their situation is the primary topic of the many articles that I am seeing all over the financial news today. I believe the reason for the RED markets today in the SP500 and the NASDAQ is being driven by all the SMCI talk today.
  10. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am having a prefect RED day today....all nine stocks down. Today is perfect example of the IDIOCY of the short term.

    So glad to NOT be part of it.......since I will just hold through it and move on.....fully invested all the time for life.
  11. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    On one site that I just looked at on their opening page.......there were FIFTEEN different articles and headlines regarding SMCI.

    BUMMER.......a perfect media feeding frenzy.....we will have to wait to see if this it TRUTH. I have no opinion either way since all I know is what I am reading today.
  12. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    My final word on NVDA and Blackwell before earnings.

    No doubt the media will fear monger anything said about Blackwell. Best case, this is all rumor....worst case.....there is NONE. It is simply a HUGE tempest in a teapot.

    If.......and that is a BIG IF....... Blackwell is delayed for 1-3 months....I see....even a positive.

    It will allow the company to rake in huge amounts of money on the latest H200 chip. The Blackwell revenue is still going to be money in the it ships in a matter of 4-12 weeks. would boost the current Hopper sales.....especially the current H200 chip. It will allow the company to maximize profit and income from the current Hopper lineup.....before it becomes a secondary product.

    In addition I am sure there are massive orders already on the books and pouring in for Blackwell. Companies are lining up and trying to hold their place for that chip. Impact of a 4-12 week delay.....NOTHING.

    Actually.......a short delay would allow the company to maximize current products and revenue from those products.......while helping to level out revenue, some over the next two quarters.

    Until the company announces some confirmation of the RUMOR........I STILL DONT BUY IT.......but if they do......NO I dont care. it is old news and has no financial least as a the company.
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    And just to give the markets today....the finger. I am heading out to lunch right now and might even miss the release of the big earnings.
  14. Smokie

    Smokie Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    A good comprehensive earnings report above. Here is a summary for the historical record.

    Nvidia reports 122% revenue growth on surging demand for data center chips

    "Key Points
    • Nvidia reported earnings after the bell that beat Wall Street expectations, and provided stronger-than-expected guidance for the current quarter.
    • Nvidia has been the primary beneficiary of the ongoing artificial intelligence boom.
    • The stock slipped after hours but is up about 150% for the year.

    Nvidia reported earnings after the bell that beat Wall Street expectations, and provided stronger-than-expected guidance for the current quarter.

    Nvidia shares fell 4% in extended trading.

    Here is how the company did versus LSEG consensus expectations:

    • Earnings per share: 68 cents adjusted vs. 64 cents
    • Revenue: $30.04 billion vs. $28.7 billion expected
    Nvidia said it expects about $32.5 billion in current quarter revenue, versus $31.7 billion expected by analysts, according to StreetAccount. That would be an increase of 80% from a year earlier.

    Revenue continues to surge at the chipmaker, rising 122% on an annual basis during the quarter, following three straight periods of year-over-year growth in excess of 200%.

    Net income more than doubled to $16.6 billion, or 67 cents per share, in the quarter, from $6.18 billion, or 25 cents per share, in the year-ago period.

    Nvidia has been the primary beneficiary of the ongoing artificial intelligence boom. Nvidia shares are up over 150% this year after soaring almost 240% in 2023. Its market cap recently eclipsed $3 trillion, and Nvidia was briefly the most valuable public company in the world, though it’s now second to Apple.

    Revenue in Nvidia’s data center business, which includes its AI processors, climbed 154% from a year earlier to $26.3 billion, accounting for 88% of total sales. It also topped StreetAccount expectations of $25.24 billion.

    Not all of those sales are AI chips. Nvidia said Wednesday that $3.7 billion in revenue came from the company’s networking products.

    Much of its business is targeted at a handful of cloud service providers and consumer internet companies including Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Tesla. Nvidia’s chips, such as the H100 and H200, are used in the vast majority of generative AI applications, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

    Many customers are waiting for Nvidia’s next-generation AI chip, called Blackwell. Nvidia said it shipped samples of Blackwell chips during the quarter, and made a change to the product to make it more efficient to manufacture.

    In the fourth quarter, we expect to ship several billion dollars in Blackwell revenue,” Nvidia CFO Colette Kress wrote in prepared remarks.

    However, Nvidia said that it expected the current-generation chip, called Hopper, to increase total shipments for the next two quarters.

    Hopper demand remains strong, and the anticipation for Blackwell is incredible,” said Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, in the press release.

    Nvidia said its gross margin slipped in the quarter to 75.1% from 78.4% in the prior period, though it’s still up from 70.1% a year ago. For the full year, the company said it expects gross margins to be in the “mid-70% range.” Analysts were expecting full-year margin of 76.4%, according to StreetAccount.

    Nvidia’s gaming business used to be the company’s primary focus before the data center took off. Gaming revenue increased 16% from a year ago to $2.9 billion, beating StreetAccount’s estimate of $2.7 billion. The company said it was partially due to increased PC gaming card shipments as well as “game console SOCs.” Nvidia provides chips for Nintendo’s consoles.

    Nvidia also makes chips for high-end graphic designers as well as cars and robots. The company’s graphics business rose 20% and reported $454 million in revenue. Nvidia reported $346 million in automotive and robotics revenue, versus expectations of $344.7 million.

    Nvidia also said it approved $50 billion in share buybacks.


    As usual a CLEAR BEAT and HUGE numbers for NVDA. Plus some glowing guidance.....of course....more will come out over the next few hours.

    I see NOTHING shocking about Blackwell.

    As usual the stock is down IDIOCY reigns supreme. Here we have a company that has been putting up AMAZING and historic earnings for at least two years now.......with BIG probability that it will continue into the future. I dont think any company in the history of the markets has done what NVDA has done.

    BUT.....everyone MUST BE PUNISHED.
    #21255 WXYZ, Aug 28, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I notice that the Blackwell production ramp-up is still set for the 4th quarter this year......NOT....pushed into next year as the.......what should I call them......MORONIC RUMOR MONGERS.....have been trying to claim.

    Time for the fear mongers to move on to something else.....perhaps the coming RECESSION.
  17. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Here are some numbers to play with.

    Nvidia is Wall Street's 2nd-most valuable company. How it keeps beating expectations, by the numbers

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Nvidia has once again turned out quarterly results that easily exceeded Wall Street's forecast s. The company has seen soaring demand for its semiconductors, which are used to power artificial intelligence applications.

    Revenue more than doubled in the latest quarter from the same period a year earlier, Nvidia said Wednesday. The company expects further revenue growth in the current quarter that ends in October. Investors will be watching to see if demand for the company's products can maintain its red-hot pace.

    The company’s journey to be one of the most prominent players in AI has produced some eye-popping numbers. Here's a look.

    $3.156 Trillion

    Nvidia’s total market value as of the close Wednesday. It's ahead of Microsoft ($3.076 trillion) but behind Apple ($3.457 trillion)
    in the battle for most valuable company. One year ago, the company's market was around $1.15 trillion.


    Gain in Nvidia's stock price so far this year as of the close of trading Wednesday
    . The shares fell about 4% in after-hours trading following the release of the company's earnings.


    That's how much of the S&P 500’s gain for the year through June came only from Nvidia.

    $26.3 billion

    Nvidia's revenue from its data center business for the quarter ended July 31, up 154% from a year ago
    . Overall revenue rose 122% from a year ago to $30 billion. By comparison, revenue growth for all the companies in the S&P 500 is expected to be about 5% for the latest quarter.

    $32.5 billion

    Nvidia's estimate for overall revenue in the third quarter, “plus or minus 2%.
    ” That translates to a range of $31.85 billion to $33.15 billion, compared to Wall Street's estimate of $31.7 billion. Revenue in the year-ago third quarter totaled $18.1 billion.

    $121.1 billion

    Analysts’ estimate for Nvidia’s revenue for the fiscal year that ends in January 2025. That would be about double its revenue for fiscal 2024 and more than four times its receipts the year before that."


    SELL, sell, sell. The world is ending.
  18. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Ok financial media.....can we now move on to some other topic? At least for a week or two?
  19. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Make that....."out to lunch"....Smokie. Literally and figuratively more accurately.
    #21259 WXYZ, Aug 28, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
  20. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I was ALL RED today in my stocks.....nine for nine. AND....the SP500 beat me today by 0.97%.

    Moving on up from here.

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