The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Smokie

    Smokie Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    I seen this post the other day and some of the other companies that have been dealing with this in some form or another.

    I got to thinking about it. I don't believe there has ever been a time in my life where there has been more opportunity, programs designed to assist, "free rides", changes in employment/promotional practices, "work" schedule adjustments....etc etc, on and on.

    The popular saying of "getting ahead", "fair share", and so on. If somebody is "struggling" to move up, find opportunities, or even get a helping hand in today's times....maybe it's not the company....maybe it's you as an employee.

    COST doubling down on it and crowing about it at the same time is a dumb move on their part.
    WXYZ likes this.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    In the.....OLD DAYS.....we did not get any of this economic investors. About all we would get is a glossy annual report in the mail once a year as a shareholder. If you were hard core you might subscribe to the Wall Street Journal or pick one up when downtown for work. I remember my mom once in a while going in to the Library to read the annual reports on companies that she was interested in.

    AND....the WSJ was mostly just to check your stock quotes.......since there was no other way to do it......unless you had access to a stock ticker.

    Even up to about year 2000.......there was not much media stuff......for investors other than the WSJ and the "Investors Business Daily". The dominance of computers and cell phones starting about year 2000 caused an explosion in the financial media........and.....all the CRAP that we have to be told about today.

    Somehow we got along just fine not knowing any of the daily BS that constantly trashes the markets now. I dont know anyone that focuses on any of the daily an investor.
  3. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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  4. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    We move on to the....."one day market".....tomorrow and than the weekend.

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