The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Everyone with half brain knows he’s self serving? So anyone that doesn’t subscribe to your view is a moron?
    Why... you sound a lot like someone you seem to protest against...hmmmmm... I got it - the president!!
    Haha, well luckily for me I’m not offended by what you just said and will not burn half the country down because of idiotic remarks like those and those that oppose my views..
    See? We can get along even with these internets successful attempt at dividing us
  2. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    And again... let’s go down the rabbit hole and waste the whole weekend talking about stereotypes and who’s smarter than who. It has NOTHING to do with the issues. It has everything to do with HATE
    WXYZ likes this.
  3. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    So.... you are saying he is... not... self serving? Seriously?

    Of all that I just wrote, you cherry picked that and ran with that? Seriously?

    You called a basic universal observation "idiotic"? Seriously?

    To say that he is not self serving is a division from reality. True objective bipartisan reality.
  4. A55

    A55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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    If I don't die 1st. I will be indulging in depravity, in a tropical paradise; trying to kill myself by overdosing on coconut water and prostitutes. Ben Franklin went to chase young skirts in France. I am chasing grass skirts in Samoa. Forget Thailand. Samoa is the real secret retreat of hedonistic pleasure seekers.
    Screenshot_20201011-135740.png Screenshot_20201011-135604.png
    Since nobody knows me in real life, I will admit to being a cog in a corrupt government. I contribute to dirty politics, participate and profit from it.

    In 30-50 years, when you see the old American pervert paying young girls for entertainment in Samoa, you are welcome to spank me with a slipper.
    AOC is not as goofy as some think. Or is she?
    Screenshot_20201014-152015.png Screenshot_20201014-152041.png Screenshot_20201004-191650.png
    I never had Facebook, Twitter, or any social media. I refuse to be a part. People know me in real life. They come see me. They don't need to see a photo of what I ate. They can go to dinner with me. That's why it's okay for me to take nudie pics. Girls believe that I don't have a Facebook to post the photos.
  5. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    If I said you’re a moron for thinking that say, Barack Obama ran for office solely for the purpose of filling his pockets with cash, wouldn’t you be triggered also?
    Why even go there?
    Is there ANY OTHER PURPOSE for you to write that OTHER than inciting division with other boardies reading your words?
    Come on man.. you’re better than this
  6. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    But how do you know said nudie pics are not going on other peoples' accounts to accompany the dinner pic du jour? :lauging:

    I am sure you are familiar with the false equivalence fallacy. You just ran headfirst into it. It's laughable that you would even mention Obama in the same sentence as Trump when discussing profiting off the presidency.

    Please, go ahead and compare them on that topic. I'll wait.

    At this point, I am not sure if you are sincere in your replies to me or having a bit of fun trolling.

    Everything I have said is a firm declaration of my disgust of the already divided nature of this country. Every single thing has become political. It's pathetic. I am remarking on that... and only that. It transcends politics. It is just the lack of common decency.

    If you think I am trying to pit people against each other on this board, perhaps you ought to read what I am saying again. I could not care less what people's political persuasions are here. Much like I am sure nobody really cares what my mine are.

    Stop twisting my words to play the whataboutism game. You're better than that.
  7. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Also, WXYZ, out of respect for your thread, I have the following to say:

    I have decided that if the market does not take a total dump by New Years, I am going all in and not looking back. I am sick of waiting, and like you said, whatever dip I may miss out on shortly afterwards is a blip on the radar.

    So here is what I have my eyes on:

    1. Amazon
    2. Nvidia
    3. Tesla
    4. Apple
    5. Microsoft
    6. Home Depot
    7. Zoom
    8. Teledoc
    9. Whatever top 5 stocks in ARKK not mentioned above

    I am not sure about the proportions yet, but these seem like winners in the long run. I have missed out on the nice early runs on them, but that's what #9 will be for: playing around and future speculation.

    To anyone here, if you had a chunk of change to go all in on, how would you deviate from the above?
  8. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    No need to twist your words. Here they are again:

    Anyone with half a brain knew that he was self serving and that was not going to change.

    so again I’m asking you. Why insult half the country that voted for him?

    no I am not gonna compare trump to any other president. I simply wrote Obama as an example so you can see how harsh your sentiment towards any president is.

    Do you have proof for anyone reading who supports the president that he is running just to make himself richer?

    I’ll wait
  9. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    This is getting to be pretty sad, to be perfectly honest.

    I am going to do this one more time, and then I am done with you.

    1. You said, "The reason why most people find Trump to be a bitter pill to swallow is exactly because of that sentiment you displayed “rich people tend to care for themselves”. I replied with, "Anyone with half a brain knew that he was self serving and that was not going to change." Let's file this under "YOU AGREE WITH ME!!!" He is well off. He only cares about himself. Unless you have personally polled the 62,984,828 people who voted for him (46.1% and not 50%, whoops!!), you cannot say that they did not know that going in. I bet lots of people who voted for him knew he was a selfish prick. They liked that he was not Hillary, and he raged against the complacent Washington establishment. There is a lot to like there. I cannot stand Hillary. I am not insulting people who voted for him. I am stating the obvious. So obvious, you agreed with me. If anyone not wealthy who voted for him thought he was not a selfish prick and was in it to actually help them... they are dumb as shit! Take that to the bank!

    2. You are not going to compare Trump to Obama on the above topic because you know you are wrong. Dead wrong. Laughably wrong.

    3. Don't pretend to know my sentiments toward other presidents are. It's presumptuous and, as you would put it, a "stereotype". For example: I happen to think George W. Bush is a decent man who surrounded himself with toxic people who led him to make really bad decisions. He was in no way qualified for the job, but he was and still is a good man. Betcha didn't see that coming, eh? Didn't fit your "stereotype" of me?

    4. As soon as you provide me with an objective rundown of how Obama ran for presidency just to pad his net worth, I will be happy to completely bury you with proof that Trump is purposefully profiting off of his tenure as president.

    I suspect I will die before you do #4...

    Until then, just stop. You are better than this.
  10. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    No. I said the reason why people find trump not trustworthy is because they, like you, stereotype him as a rich guy who only cares for himself.
    I didn’t agree with you. Ever.
    And I don’t know if you’re aware of it (probably not) but basically because you STILL havent provided us any proof of him getting rich of fooling half the country voting for him, AND SUBSCRIBING TO THAT STEREOTYPICAL THINKING, made you very, how shall I say, prejudiced.
    Please stop talking politics on a thread that’s dedicated to stocks. And furthermore please stop insulting people who do not agree with your point of views.
    There’s so much vile rhetoric and pent up anger you keep dishing in each follow up post to this it just doesn’t make you look good.
    Please stop
  11. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    There is no proof. The man is the real deal, a breath of fresh air. He understands that a fair system is one where if you are smart and work hard you deserve to be rewarded. He understands that private property rights must be honored and protected for any system to work. He understands that we don't need China and we don't need Europe, we never did and we still don't. We've been doing Europe a favor supporting their economies since WWI and WWII. He understands that we don't have to give a lick what they think of us, we have a navy bigger than the next 8 largest navies combined.
    #2311 Onepoint272, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
    WXYZ likes this.
  12. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Yep. Definitely trolling. And gaslighting too. I'm impressed.

    Never have I seen so much praise heaped upon a person's intelligence based on so little evidence.


    Carry on, gentlemen. Continue to amaze...
    #2312 roadtonowhere08, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
  13. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I work in the swamp. Everyday I see new "roads to nowhere", promoted and forced down our throats, not by the chief executive but by members of Congress who after all hold the purse strings and decide what programs to fund and by how much. You're being distracted from the real problems.
    WXYZ likes this.
  14. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Maybe if you read what I wrote, you'd see that I agree with that. Hence the George Carlin links...
  15. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    dude. stop
  16. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I don’t understand. is politic bashing allowed here? Or are the moderators sleeping?
  17. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Why are you still carrying on? Quit your whining! You are the only one getting worked up. Do you not see the irony in that?

    I called you out, you did not provide evidence to refute me. I'm done.

    Now you be done. Can you do that for me?
    #2317 roadtonowhere08, Oct 17, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
  18. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Anyone reading your constant bashing and baby cries knows you’re desperate for attention. I won’t engage with you because you’re AT THE WRONG PLACE TO DO THAT.

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience”
  19. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    This is now the end of this political discussion.

    As we all know, politics has become incredibly polarized over the past decade or two.

    Nobody here is going to have their opinion changed by the other.

    All that happens is that people fight, opinions get even more polarized as both sides dig it and argue further.

    This is exactly what the two party system wants, you guys are the perfect example of the system working.

    T0rm3nted and Stockaholic like this.
  20. The Ragin Cajun

    The Ragin Cajun Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Please don’t ruin a great thread by injecting only politics. Much can be said good and bad regarding our current President. There are very valid reasons why he is in office, some don’t respect those reasons and are unable to maintain a civil discussion.

    I think your decision to invest in what ARKK does is good. Personally myself, I am looking to make ARKK my next investment. Up what 140% ytd? Well managed ETF, they bought low again on Tesla right after the split. Love what Cathie Woods and co. is doing!

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