The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Looks like CALIFORNIA will not have Elon Musk to kick around much longer. He is moving to Texas.....actually I believe he already has. Reports say he has a Texas drivers license.....which requires legal residence. He just moved his FOUNDATION from California to Texas. ALL of his homes are for sale in California.

    Ok.......a little gossip above. HERE is the REAL news......good news....for those of us that are owners of Tesla:

    Tesla’s market value hits more than $600B for first time joining ultra-small club

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Tesla and CEO Elon Musk are tipping the scales yet again with new milestones.

    The market value of the electric vehicle maker reached $608 billion on Monday for the first time and is now just one of five S&P 500 companies to join the exclusive club as tracked by Dow Jones Market Group.


    The company is set to be added to the index, which is the broadest measure of the stock market, on December 21, and since the inclusion was announced last month investors have pushed the stock to record highs of $641.76 per share growing the market cap by $221.49 billion.


    A surging stock price is hitting short-sellers hard, including Jim Chanos who is one of Wall Street's most skilled betters against companies. Last week he disclosed in an interview he is no longer short the company while offering rare praise to Musk.

    Fund managers that mirror the S&P are likely adding positions, while selling other names such as, according to Scott Redler, chief strategist at T3 Trading Group.

    Last month, in anticipation of demand for the stock, the team at S&P Dow Jones Indices considered adding it to the S&P 500 in “tranches,” which would have been the first time in history this process would have been used.


    However, after feedback from the investment community, the firm determined shares will be added in one shot or "at its full float-adjusted market capitalization weight effective prior to the open of trading on Monday, December 21, 2020" the firm disclosed last week.

    Tesla’s rising stock price is also making Musk even wealthier with a net worth of $143 billion, per Forbes. He is now the world’s third-richest person, neck-in-neck with LVMH Chair Bernard Arnault and nipping at the heels of Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, who is sitting on $184 billion fortune."


    This stock is going to be a very POWERFUL DRIVER of the SP500. It will also counterbalance the other top names...Amazon and Apple and Microsoft and is not purely a "tech" is also a manufacturing company. Even though it is definately "tech" oriented....but in my mind......not as "PURE" as the other four of the big five are.
    #2701 WXYZ, Dec 7, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    Bigmalx and Jwalker like this.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    AS I type this the markets are trying to turn positive. NOT a bad open considering.....EVERYTHING. expected opened to the negative.....based on their plan to raise $5BIL through sales of additional stock shares. A minimal dilution of the current share base. DEFINITELY a smart move.....raising cash in the face of a BOOMING price per share and the upcoming inclusion in the SP500. They have been.....very smartly......STRENGTHENING the old balance sheet recently. On one hand the valuation of the company is CRAZY.....but.....on the other hand EVERY move they make is just about perfect. I LIKE IT. try to become another terms of investor and share price MANIA. CRAZY price action in these shares lately. Last I looked today they were UP AGAIN.....another $30 per share. This is how crazy it is......shares I purchased on November 27 are +36%. Shares I purchased on September 16 are +83%. I NEVER turn down free money.....but.....COME ON MAN. OBVIOUSLY many are piling into this stock. As a LONG TERM INVESTOR.....I will gladly take the benefits of irrational exuberance. I HOPE that others that are buying this company are NOT gambling with their short term money. That is NOT the way to build personal financial security.

    To CLARIFY.....I have ZERO plans to sell any of the above holdings. I will RIDE THE WIND for as long as possible.....hopefully for many years. AND......

    I remain fully invested for the long term as usual.
  3. Kaloyan Petkov

    Kaloyan Petkov New Member

    Dec 1, 2020
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    Thank you! Well I have a PhD in Finance and I was former assistant professor (only age 30 here) but decided to quit university career because there the learning process is slow and ineffective. Thats why I started this website with one of my former teachers that is now teaching in Taiwan. We are doing investment research together and we have several publications. But we concluded that everyday investors like people in this forum are not really benefiting the advances in investment research because they need somebody to explain and teach them these complex model in simple and intuitive way.
    And yeah I am trying to spread this idea as far as I can! I do get that "spammer" thing but I am trying to unite two worlds and it has difficulties. Actually is not just the monetary value, yes my lessons are paid, but getting revenue is not priority. I am also working separately as a Business Intelligence analyst in one global company so I get my salary there.
    I am looking for people who will not only buy my lessons (trying to get easy tip for successful stocks) but I also expect communication and mutual work in the future, because in long term I want to make a group of people who can benefit of my research directly.
  4. Kaloyan Petkov

    Kaloyan Petkov New Member

    Dec 1, 2020
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    Well the lessons in the website are built in very neat way. Every lesson has a absolutely free of charge video lecture thats also in Youtube, next as addition for a very small price there are files and batch of helpful documents that you can buy, and after that is the paid lesson. So you see if you are satisfied only with the first video lecture then its alright with me, my goal is fulfilled I was able to transfer knowledge to you. The "sale" part comes only after that...
  5. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Well what you SHOULD a thread in this forum and post your "lessons" and "knowledge" along with REAL TIME investment moves you are making. Show everyone what you can achieve with your advances in investment research. It would be impressive for see you making money based on your advanced research real time.
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    ANYWAY.....A GREEN day today. A small beat of the SP500 by .10%. The day went about like I was hoping.

    SERVES ME RIGHT....that SNOW ended the day up barely $1.......after talking the stock down in my earlier post. I am being punished.
  7. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    For what it's worth, I come to this thread to look in on you, WXYZ. You proved your investing chops long ago. You have a PhD in awesome.
    WXYZ and Bigmalx like this.
  8. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    HERE is a TRUE LEADER. Not some celebrity CEO hanging out with all the other celebrity CEO types at their Montana Ranches........nothing but bean counters....and....usually the only beans being really counted are those that are part of their compensation package or golden parachute.

    Tesla's Musk relocates to Texas from California; compares himself to war general

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Silicon Valley billionaire Elon Musk said on Tuesday he had relocated to Texas from California as he wants to focus more on the new Tesla Inc plant and his SpaceX venture.

    Musk confirmed the move in an interview with Matt Murray, the Wall Street Journal’s editor in chief.

    The two biggest things that I got going on right now are the Starship development in South Texas ... and then the big new U.S. factory for Tesla,” the 49-year-old Tesla chief said.

    It wasn’t necessarily a great use of my time here (in California)”.

    Texas might potentially offer some tax reprieve for the world’s second richest man. It does not collect personal income tax while California has some of the highest state tax rates in the United States.

    A 670% rally in Tesla shares this year has boosted Musk’s net worth from $27 billion to $155 billion, just behind Inc’s Jeff Bezos, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

    In a conversation touching a wide range of topics including government intervention, technology companies and corporate policy, Musk criticized CEOs of other U.S. companies for not focusing enough on their products.

    If you find yourself spending a lot of time giving presentations and reviewing spreadsheets, you’re barking up the wrong tree,” Musk said.

    The billionaire also compared himself to a war general and said, “If you think about war ... do you want the general in some like ivory tower or on the front lines? The troops are going to fight a lot harder if they see the general on the front lines.”

    Musk said tech companies in Silicon Valley had too much influence on the world and predicted a decrease in their power.

    On Tesla’s move to raise $5 billion in capital, he said: “We thought we can retire a lot of the debt and increase the security of the company ... have more of a war chest.”

    Musk has earned Tesla stock options related to his 2018 pay package that are currently worth almost $20 billion."


    THESE.....very few comments why Musk is successful. He is a TRUE leader. He wants to be where the action actual hands on leader. The series of "quotes".....below.....sums up my definition of VISIONARY LEADERSHIP in can tell he gets it:

    "Musk criticized CEOs of other U.S. companies for not focusing enough on their products. If you find yourself spending a lot of time giving presentations and reviewing spreadsheets, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
    The billionaire also compared himself to a war general and said, “If you think about war ... do you want the general in some like ivory tower or on the front lines? The troops are going to fight a lot harder if they see the general on the front lines.”

    The Ragin Cajun and emmett kelly like this.
  9. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    We moved to Ohio. Musk follows our lead, only to Texas.
    But seriously, that is just more proof of the HUGE transformation this country is going through. MANY business owners have moved in the past few months to more affordable cities/states because the big cities are digging into their pockets - BIG time!
    Who the hell wants that?
    It used to be that factories would move overseas to achieve more financial freedoms but bcs of the tariffs and taxation systems its actually better to do it right here in the good ol USA and enjoy a much better quality life while advancing your business
  10. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    YES......this stuff has been going on for a long time. I retired and got out and closed my business in 1999.....because of the EXCESSIVE taxes that my silent partner.....government.......was taking. My business was very successful.....and....because of that, like many people....I had options. So I retired at age 49 rather than work another ten to twenty years. My investing success gave me that option. a long term investor....EVERYTHING......I make is long term capital gains or return of principle. I am FREE of all the government regulations that are imposed on small business owners and all the taxes taking 55-60% of what I made every year.
    B Russ likes this.
  11. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Short term.....I see us heading for another positive day tomorrow and another positive week. I ALSO think we have a.....PROBABILITY.....of a stimulus plan being passed before Christmas. That event will be the KICKER for the SANTA year end and beyond. The pressure to give away money will be too much for the politicians to resist. They leave town and fold up shop for the year......December 18. So anything will have to be passed by than....unless they get held over by leadership.
  12. Kaloyan Petkov

    Kaloyan Petkov New Member

    Dec 1, 2020
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    So basically what you are saying is that it is far more useful to show people my portfolio and let them track me or give them tips...But what happens if I "retire" then those guys will be left hanging without knowledge and without their lead....I am sure you know that "You give a man a fish and he will eat 1 day, teach a man to fish and he will be satisfied his entire life"
  13. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Kaloyan, this entire site is full of people who know they are smarter than everyone else. To the last one.

    The odds of your methods being the most successful on the site are infinitesimal. It's possible your technique is world beating, sure, but show us some success so we can decide for ourselves if we are interested in your approach.

    And, please, be courteous to WXYZ. A lot of people follow this thread because of our respect for him. At some point, very soon, you're going to run out of good will and find yourself in the liability column of the social synoptic.
    rg7803, Jwalker, zukodany and 2 others like this.
  14. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Little piece of advice; don’t advertise your services on someone’s thread and then suggest they are not good at what they do. That just doesn’t make sense any way you slice it. Of course, free country you can do anything you like, but it totally makes you seem inexperienced, and well, since experience is what you try and sell us here, it just makes you look like a fool
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    "So basically what you are saying is that it is far more useful to show people my portfolio and let them track me or give them tips...But what happens if I "retire" then those guys will be left hanging without knowledge and without their lead....I am sure you know that "You give a man a fish and he will eat 1 day, teach a man to fish and he will be satisfied his entire life"

    YES.....that is EXACTLY what I am saying.....LOL......DUH.

    HERE you are claiming to be a high powered analytical investor and company founder and researcher that has discovered some NEW KNOWLEDGE that will change the investing world. Yet you appear to be SPAMMING a small internet message board trying to drum up a few customers for your paid content. PRETTY my opinion....... for someone that has discovered the HOLY GRAIL of investing knowledge.

    YOUR ONLY published 1 paper as of far as I can see? I am guessing..... as a student? Your web site went up this year, 2020? did have SOME social media presence in 2019? WOW. IMPRESSIVE STUFF.

    YOU appear to be Bulgarian and you want to educate investors about investing in the stock markets of Taiwan? NO RED FLAGS there.

    I DO have a business tip for an English as a second language speaker (nothing wrong with that).....have someone review and edit your web site to ELIMINATE all the broken English and grammar mistakes. Some free business advice......I am teaching you how to fish......this sort of BASIC mistake is a business KILLER.

    RIGHT.....YOU posting your portfolio and trades.....based on what you are trying to sell.....might cause hardship if you RETIRE? You just started this year.....are you going to retire after about 9 or 10 months in business as a 30 year old?

    Are you AFRAID to show what you can do to showcase your "system"?

    I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to post your trades in real time.

    WE have some sayings in the USA......I post them as general advice for investors.......not referring to you since I dont know you:

    Put your money where your mouth is.
    A SUCKER is born every minute
    All hat and no cattle.
    #2715 WXYZ, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
    Jwalker likes this.
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    OK....back to REALITY.

    We had a pretty good open going today...but unfortunately it was pretty much based on MEDIA FLUFF and faded quickly. AT LEAST the general markets are MINIMALLY in the red at the moment. Time will tell where we end up for the day at the close.

    At the moment it seems like another one of those days we have seen lately where he markets are TIRED and distracted. ALL in all seems like a normal market the current conditions.

    A PERFECT day for long term investors to go out and do daily life and ignore the short term markets.
  17. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Cmon, man, you are a salesman cloaked in a forum member outfit. Stop BSing us.

    All the algorithms and "systems" in the world are worth nothing unless you have the sheer money to influence the market on your own. You clearly do not and neither do we.

    XWYZ is 100% right in his philosophy: pick good stocks and let them run. He gives that away for free. That is the beginning and the end of it. Period.
  18. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Can’t really win em all, ALL THE TIME, so I’m a little red today. Good to feel human from time to time and that’s exactly what today is showing me.
    Sidetrack post: the mrs and I watched Schindler’s list yesterday, wifeys a HUGE Liam Neeson fan and she wasn’t familiar with that movie (shocking right?)
    So we are watching the movie and I was shocked to see how similar the setting for what was to come in Nazi Germany was to the current totalitarian control over people is in the world is now. The Nazis basically deprived Jews of their businesses and called them “non essentials” the very same classification used today for businesses ordered to close down. In many parts of the movie Jews, at the very early stage of the Nazi takeover, are questioning why they have to not work and are labeled as non essential. They are storming government offices and complaining that they are deprived of their freedom rights, little do they know of the annihilation they are about to face in future years. When they are finally given the star badge to wear they are being yelled at by civilians for not wearing it!
    Stunning. Simply stunning. How the similarities are to the freedoms we are deprived from are now.
    While I am not suggesting that we will be exterminated, nor am I comparing us as a people to what the Jewish people faced during the war, I am merely comparing the totalitarian control the government had back then over its people and the language and actions used are eerily similar.
    Watch the movie and see for yourselves.
    End side note
  19. The Ragin Cajun

    The Ragin Cajun Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Like I've been saying Texas is now what California was in the 80's. It's a shame what is happening over there but good for Texas and good for me and my children's future since I left CA 2 years ago (writing was on the wall) and relocated our family 2 hours from Texas.
  20. Kaloyan Petkov

    Kaloyan Petkov New Member

    Dec 1, 2020
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    Wow then if you knew at least what is Journal of Wealth Management and how any students is publishing there we could have serious conversation without insults and trash talking but it seems it is my bad that I overstepped in the backyard of the local top dog so its kind a too territorial for me to remain here. Anyway I am still with best of intentions so good luck with your investments cuz everyone deserves happiness and success in their life :)

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