The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Question about long term investing: my IRA is long term investing for sure from the perspective of the custodian. He bought the shares of various mutual funds and has hardly touched it since. But do the managers of mutual funds leave their funds alone for extended periods or do they tend more for active management? Just curious because my IRA has done pretty crappy over the last 6 months (< 7%) and I'm trying to understand why.
  2. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    my lower cost (expense ratio) index fund pretty much stays the same. the higher cost growth fund changes more frequently. plug in the symbol periodically and check the top 10 holdings.
    gtrudeau88 likes this.
  3. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Another thing I wanted to note about SELLING... based on my short experience during turbulent times last year... MANY sold off their portfolios and some saw an opportunity to buy.... while I did the same thing (by buying, NOT selling) I did it with ESTABLISHED companies which I always wanted to own. But MANY people sought an opportunity to buy companies that were severely ruined in the hopes of buying the dip- they are still hurting.... In fact - MANY of these companies haven’t recovered YET and here we are in another correction! I’m talking about companies like DAL T VLO UAL CCL and others....
    My point is- NOWS NOT THE TIME TO SELL. You have NO IDEA who will stick and who will fall.... wait till the bottom hits... at that time the winners will survive and the losers will flatten.... At that time you may wanna rebalance your portfolio when that time comes. I picked my winners when the bottom has been reached, but I had some losers as well (still holding for Ed, and Macy’s/JPM/DNKN took FOREVER to pick up) but one thing is certain - THINGS WILL GET ALLOT CLEARER WITH TIME.
    I was thinking of selling some of my short term positions today but my experience with the market last year urged me not too. And so I’m holding on to EVERYTHING.
    As I write this I am in the green for today, but by .10% it’s not even worth mentioning.
    Ytd I am down 7.5%
    Time will tell us where this is going and with time will come certainty.
    WXYZ likes this.
  4. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    These sorts of little comparison articles are furn.....I am not sure how accurate of a predictor they are. least they give investors some sense of HISTORY and perspective...if they did not live or invest in those times. I talked about the 1990's in a post above.

    4 Ways Today's Stock Market Resembles That of the Late 1990s
    And two ways that it does not.

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "The Similarities
    For those of us who followed the U.S. stock market closely during the 1990s, it’s hard to avoid comparing it with the 2021 market. Many of today’s investment stories read as if they were ripped from last generation’s headlines.

    Let’s view the parallels.

    1. Stock Valuations
    Equity prices peaked at the start of the New Millennium, dropped for a decade, and have since risen so that they now match their previous highs. That statement, of course, paves over many bumps that occurred along the way, but it is broadly correct. Below are various price ratios for Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) from three dates: December 1999, January 2021, and their interim lows.


    We are where we started. The price/book ratio is lower today, the price/sales ratio higher, and the price/earnings ratio an almost exact match. Overall, the U.S. stock market is valued very much as it was when it entered this century.

    2. Technology’s Triumph
    In both eras, growth stocks outperformed value securities. Above all were technology stocks. Exhibit 2 shows the top-performing Fidelity Select funds for the trailing five-year periods ending in December 1999 and then again in January 2021.


    Deja, meet vu. Admittedly, recent gains haven’t matched the late-1990s levels, but the winners’ list is virtually identical. Unfortunately, few shareholders enjoyed the entire ride. The top four funds possessed an aggregate $20 billion in 1999, but only $4 billion a decade later. Today, they possess $33 billion. Such are specialty funds. Typically, their paper gains far surpass shareholders’ profits.

    3. Increasing Optimism
    In the late 1990s, many investors believed that the old rules had changed. Rapid productivity gains, fueled by increases in computer processing power, telecommunications improvements, and, above all, the rise of the Internet, explained why the long bull market just kept getting longer. Also changing was the Federal Reserve’s role. When either the overall economy or stock prices showed significant weakness, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan would provide assistance by issuing “Greenspan puts”--federal policies intended to arrest the decline. They had reliably worked.

    Today’s atmosphere is similar. The transition from bricks-and-mortar businesses to electronically based companies that appear to be able to grow during every economic condition suggests that stock-market downturns are temporary blips. Old-line industries suffer through boom-and-bust cycles, but it seems that e-companies do not. Nor has the Greenspan put been repealed. If anything, Greenspan’s approach has been extended under current Chairman Jerome Powell, whose spring 2020 actions exceeded any of Greenspan’s efforts.

    4. Retail Participation
    Since stock commissions were deregulated in 1975, discount brokerages had gradually chipped away at trading costs, but it wasn’t until online platforms were launched in the late 1990s that commissions truly became cheap. By 1998, Ameritrade (now a subsidiary of Charles Schwab (SCHW)) charged just $8 per online trade. For comparison’s sake, Schwab began the decade with an $80 trading fee.

    This cost revolution, along with the raging bull market, led to the birth of day traders--everyday investors who took the whole endeavor so seriously that some made it their full-time occupation. For example, a March 1999 Chicago Tribune article profiled a gentleman named Scott Weiner, who “took down his lawyer’s shingle a year ago to trade from home full-time.” (Weiner’s advice: “Don’t quit your day job.” Ironic.)

    I don’t know how many day traders exist today--or even back then, because such figures have never been available--but retail interest has returned in a big way. Even the most casual of stock-market observers understands that Robinhood has become the 21st-century equivalent of that first wave of discount brokerages and that, as reflected in social-media conversations, everyday investors are buying stocks more enthusiastically than at any time since, well, the late 1990s.

    The Differences
    Although the likenesses are striking, such that every week I find myself recalling an episode from the 1990s--for example, the December 1999 announcement that Michael Jordan, John Elway, and Wayne Gretsky had sold their names to an e-commerce site called, which folded 13 months later--there are two key differences.

    1. The Economic Cycle
    By December 1999, the economy was enjoying its 105th consecutive month of expansion. Even those who believed that boom-and-bust cycles had been moderated did not claim that downturns would not occur. It was reasonable to expect the economy to take a step backward, perhaps sooner rather than later. That is indeed what happened, with the stock market peaking in March 2000, which presaged a recession that arrived 12 months later.

    In contrast, the U.S. is only now climbing out of its 2020 hole, such that economists are currently debating whether the country still remains in recession. The slump caused by the coronavirus pandemic was selective, striking some industries very hard while barely touching others. One cannot therefore claim that the recent downturn purged all excesses, as is customary for severe recessions. Nonetheless, the possibility exists that the economy will now expand for several more years.

    2. Interest Rates
    In 1999, 10-year Treasuries yielded 5.3%. Today, they pay 1.5%. Equities aren’t priced in isolation: Their worth is established while considering the investment alternatives. Viewed from that perspective, the fact that stocks cost as much today as they did in 1999, shortly before a bear market arrived, isn’t terribly worrisome. Stocks are as expensive as they once were, but their fixed-income rivals have become pricier yet.

    Of course, relative arguments aren’t as comforting as absolute justifications. Better that stocks were cheap by any measure, so that even if the investment competition strengthened, they would remain attractive. Today’s equity valuations depend upon the assumption that inflation will remain dormant. It would be better if they rested on firmer ground.

    Wrapping Up
    The parallels with the 1990s are sufficiently strong to cause concern. Indeed, not just the 1990s--the 1920s and then the 1960 were also marked by rising stock prices, excitement over technological advancements, optimism that business cycles would become less severe, and enthusiasm among retail investors. As with the 1990s, each of those parties ended badly.

    Increasingly, I feel as if I have watched this film before. However, as I wrote in “My 2020 Lesson: The Peril of Overconfidence,” history is an imperfect guide. I also recognize that today’s economic underpinnings--interest rates in particular--differ from those of the late 1990s. Thus, my pessimism is tempered with the hope that this time, too, my fears will not materialize.

    MY COMMENT feels like the 1990's in many ways. ESPECIALLY the recent comments that it is a......NEW NORMAL.....and....the old rules do not apply.

    Want a shock....look at the Ten Year Treasury rate listed in the article for 1999.......5.3%. People AND investors are....SO....spoiled today. They have lost all concept of balance and normality.
    Dkrstic69 likes this.
  5. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    One thing for certain- and this is just me- once tsla flattens... I’m going in heavy on it... and I surely hope it does flatten and NOT bounce back cause I want in badly like a virgin!
    WXYZ likes this.
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Nice to make some money today and be MODERATELY in the green. Got beat by the SP500 by 0.79%....but.....with the way the markets came back over the course of the day I will GLADLY take what I got.

    My three DOWN stocks today......the two recent companies that just reported earnings....SNOW and COST. My other down holding....TSLA.

    The weekly data:

    SP500 year to date 2.29%
    SP500 for the week 0.81%

    DOW year to date 2.91%
    DOW for the week 1.82%

    NASDAQ 100 year to date (-1.71%)
    NASDAQ 100 for the week (-1.87%)

    NASDAQ year to date 0.25%
    NASDAQ for the week (-2.06%)

    RUSSELL 2000 year to date 11.01%
    RUSSELL 2000 for the week (-0.40%)

    So it was the time for the more conservative averages to shine this week.....the DOW and the SP500.
    #4186 WXYZ, Mar 5, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
  7. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    zukodany and WXYZ like this.
  8. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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  9. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Are we at a near term bottom? Perhaps today with the close....and....the way investors bought into the afternoon market.... is a signal that stocks have bottomed out and investors are going to step in and buy when they hit the levels they did today. That is one view.

    The other view is summed up by the old saying......"dont try to catch a falling knife". We may have more to go in this little correction next week and after. It is impossible to know.

    Trying to time this little drop and catch the exact bottom is not possible. For those with cash it might be a good time to either go ALL in all at once at these levels. OR......allocate your cash and start to buy back in over the next few weeks as you see what is going on.

    I....obviously follow the all in all at once view based on the research. BUT....whether or not the research will apply to a single stock buy at this exact moment in time is simply GUESSWORK.....just like trying call and catch the bottom......whenever that is.
    zukodany likes this.
  10. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Question to W:
    Weren’t everyone concerned with valuation last year when covid hit? I remember EVERYONE saying the Dow is ridiculously high and will go down as well as everything else.... of course no one paid attention to valuation once we got into the artificial recession, but still that was a point of concern was it not? I wonder how different it is this time around than last time
  11. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    agree with everything here. No one can time the market or find a bottom.... but a bottom will be reached sometime- it may even take- I don’t know- YEARS! (Although I doubt it)
    Hypothetically... if everything drops down to levels of March of last year- was the bottom reached last year? Of course not! is it likely? Who knows!
    I’m in the mind that there will be an even field sooner or later... but I don’t have the same experience that W has
  12. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Apparently Emmett is like the Kraken. I feel like I worked so hard for the weekend...

    ...HIT IT EMMETT!!!
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am now DOWN by (6.58%) year to date at the close today. Not as bad as I expected considering my BIG tech exposure and my very concentrated portfolio. In addition my two mutual funds ALSO contain the numerous BIG tech names.

    I think you are right Zukodany....although I dont remember for sure. I think the pandemic RESET all that.......and.....greatly extended the potential life of the current BULL MARKET. I am sure there were the USUAL inflation worries back than. I ALSO think the pandemic RESET peoples thinking as to high values of stocks. My belief is that stocks NOW have significant room to run up in price without worry as to values.

    BUT......the government is different now....that is one BIG factor that will impact stocks going forward. We have also seen a HUGE influx of new day-traders since that time last year. AND...we have seen a MASSIVE increase in the use of options since last year. These people (young male day and options traders) can either drive prices up....OR.....they are fodder to be shaken out of the markets and cause a snowballing price drop as they BAIL and lose their money. PLUS an infinite number of other factors since we have NEVER shut down the economy before and had to stage a reopening.

    One other factor that I happen to the earnings that we have RACKED UP over the past 3-4 quarters......ADDED TO....the earnings we SHOULD see over the next 4-6 quarters as we reopen. My in the bank and plenty of reason for stock prices to RISE.....justifiably..... going forward.
  14. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    zukodany and roadtonowhere08 like this.
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I think in general....FEBRUARY 12....was the top. The past three weeks have been a correction from that top. When the correction ends will depend on short term news and events PLUS a big dose of investor psychology.
  16. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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  17. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Man its a party over here!


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  18. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Yup thats what I remembered as well... 2 things that struck hard with me as we spiraled into the pit last year - everyone confirming that we were at ridiculous highs followed by larry kudlow telling everyone to buy the dips lol... I remember even my banker was telling me that.. Shes a cute dominican chick that always flirts with me when i walked to that branch (in NY)... I gotta pay her a visit next time were visiting
  19. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    let's not get carried away and annoying like family feud contestants. hellooo. it's not $20,000 dollars after you split it 5 ways and give 1/2 to the IRS.
  20. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Was up 1.55% today. That puts me a little over 3% i think ytd and I'm guessing here but like .3% or so for the week. I'll check the specifics when I am off work.

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