The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    I will take the AMISH side. Haven't spent a ton of time on the forums until recently. Other than years ago on HOTSTOCKMARKETS, which is the father of this forum. I speak my mind and could care less if someone gets offended, they have the option of not reading the post. I get kicks n giggles by outwitting the newer so called experts of the markets. Sadly, they have only experienced the bullish side and have no comprehension of what drives the markets.

    The older ones like W are well positioned and can ride the storm, I put you in that category as well.

    I took a few long positions for fun, never owned VOO before but like the structure.

    Still hold my 4 crypto coins, at my entry prices they remain in the green.
    PLTR,TSLA,AAPL,VOO are my holds on the stonks Long side, looking to add 2 more but undecided at this point. AMZN is a strong possibility.

    Currently around 60% CASH and will never be fully invested.
  2. The Ragin Cajun

    The Ragin Cajun Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Differing opinions are a good thing, its the insults that you could learn a thing or two about. Many intelligent people are not so intelligent when it comes to communication.

    Your tastes in investments on the whole are sound, ETH, PLTR, VOO, Amazon, Tesla, Apple are all in my long term portfolio. The difference is what I consider long term and what you consider long term.

    You can be whatever you want in this life, choose wisely. Take your pick....George Hearst, Al Swearengen, Dan Dority, Charlie Utter, Seth Bullock, Cy Tolliver, E.B. Farnum, Mr. far I have you pegged as the Reverend or Wild Bill and we all know how the ending goes for both. I hope you prove me wrong, to be continued....
  3. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    First time DEADWOODER, love it so far. I'm not into impressions though, at that level I take the David Milch side.
  4. The Ragin Cajun

    The Ragin Cajun Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I have not seen the movie yet. I will have to re-watch the series and then the new movie soon. The characters are great, one of the all-time great shows in my opinion. Love the setting, but the character development is what really stands out and is really unique in modern television.
  5. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    his “investments”? since when does that idiot “INVESTS”???
    His whole mantra is to TEACH US how to hold cash and flip short term positions.
    That’s what he’s ALL ABOUT
    But I get it, his latest presentation trophy backfired and now he’s walking his WHOLE repertoire back in the hopes that we didn’t “understand his plans”.
    My whole thing is this -
    This message is not for any ONE PARTICULAR user. I don’t have some sort of vendetta against unknown strangers on an internet message board. I do however have a problem with people that are JEALOUS of this thread’s writer who works hard to chronicle his successes with ONLY ONE GOAL IN MIND:
    teach investors how to invest smart.

    You can change people by setting good examples. You cannot change people by lying to them
  6. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I've always been a long term thinker but it is easier to be pragmatic about market fluctuations when you know you will always be comfortable.

    It is more difficult to think long term and leave assets exposed to market volatility when you are fighting to achieve retirement weight. To that end, it's far more impressive to see people in their earning years with a long term philosophy than an old guy like me.
  7. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Added VIAC 38.78
    A nice beat down under the radar company.

    1 more to go on the stonks side.
    Coins are recovering nicely.

    AMZN looks tempting.
  8. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    HERE is the......anti-inflation.....economic news of the day.

    Retail Sales Were Flat in April as Stimulus Spending Waned

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Retail sales in the U.S. were flat in April after soaring in March, when many Americans received $1,400 stimulus checks that boosted spending.

    The report Friday from the U.S. Commerce Department was worse than the 0.8% rise Wall Street analysts had expected. But it wasn't all bad: March's number was revised upwards to 10.7%. Americans started receiving a third round of stimulus checks that month, helping retail sales soar.

    The question is whether consumers will continue to spend without stimulus checks. “The April retail sales tip the odds toward slower sales in the coming months," said analysts at Contingent Macro Advisors.

    Friday's report comes amid other signs the economy is improving as vaccinations accelerate and business restrictions are relaxed. The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell last week to 473,000, a new pandemic low. And consumer confidence hit its highest level last month since the pandemic began.

    On Thursday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said vaccinated Americans don’t need to wear a mask or social distance outdoors and in most indoor settings, which may get more people to travel, eat out or shop.

    Consumer spending, which makes up two-thirds of all economic activity in the U.S., is closely monitored by economists to gauge the nation’s economic health. Friday’s report covers a third of all consumer spending, but doesn’t include services, like hotel stays or haircuts.

    The report on Friday suggests Americans were heading out last month to eat instead of shop. Sales at restaurants and bars rose 3%. But sales fell at stores that sell clothing, sporting goods and furniture."


    IF this data had included services it would have been even worse. This data reflects what the economy has been since 2009.....DEFLATIONARY. are we going to end up in a year or two with the economy....who knows. What I do know is that it will NOT impact how or what I invest in at all. EVERY company is just going to have to deal with whatever the economy is. AND...the general economy is not the markets. Once we get rid of the incentives to not work and we STOP all the SILLY stimulus and money printing we will see the REAL economy......again. These programs are nothing more than a short term blip that DISTORTS the real picture. In a year or two we will see the REAL is going to either be inflation or deflation.....take your pick.
  9. oldmanram

    oldmanram Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2021
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    Took a couple days off , to recover emotionally from the beating I took earlier this week ....................
    It worked out well , I actually got some work done on TAXES .................
    I see we are all getting along with each other :horse:SARCASM

    Hey Rustic 1 , what about VOOV vs ETH , this week compared
    Now if we could just find some sort of online internet currency to bet .............................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Was down over 3% for the the week till yesterday, so far yesterday and today I've recovered over 2%
    Strengthened a couple of positions Tuesday , AMZN ,
    Done with 3X trading ........ for now ........ said the stockaholic
  10. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    ANYONE practicing short term trades this year is likely practicing catching falling knives... the time for trading was OVER the second this investing year kicked off.
    I totally understand selling off, I did too with my short term Tesla position late last year (day before the split was in affect) I also TRIED to hold a temporary short term position with TWLO and ENPHASE... yea that didn’t end up well.... so I learned my lesson quick this year. Last year at this time I was already DONE with buying and actually thought I lost my pants in the process. But I was buying strong companies that I knew would come back. But I would be LYING to you had I thought they would all come back in such a short time. I thought this was my big chance to INVEST FOR THE LONG TERM- Figuring it would take AT LEAST 3-5 years to mature.
    So what exactly happened?
    In a short year I’ve learned a valuable lesson-
    Had I done THE SAME THING this year I would’ve probably sign off terminating my Stockaholics account and cursing the very second I got into investing, dubbing it AGGRESSIVE GAMBLING in the process.
    My message to the investor is clear -
    Stay the course - DO NOT GAMBLE YOUR MONEY AWAY- invest for the long term, invest in solid businesses - NOT names or trends. And if you HAVE to try gambling your money with trading - try it with a small amount that you are comfortable with losing
  11. oldmanram

    oldmanram Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2021
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    TomB16 or anyone out there ......................
    Just when do you start ROTATING from growth investments to income investments ?? , I started adding some, Ventas, PM, and some REIT's ,
    BUT I just find it sooooo hard to be loosing out on the growth potential of that money.
    Also I'm going to have to pick up CAP GAINS in the rotation , and we all know the way those tax rates are heading down the road.
    Any thought's on this subject guys ?
  12. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Tempted to pull the trigger on AMZN and wrap it up for awhile.

    VOOV is a new one to me. Great fund though.
    Chose VIAC as #5 of 6 because it has a lot of longterm potential.

    Some think of the coins as voodoo and until Feb of this year I was also in that group. A lot has changed and to some of us it's hard to ignore the potential.

    I'm still have CASH on the sidelines, my ultimate goal is to always be able to fortify positions, trade some and ride the course.

    Have a case of the Wild West flashbacks, ordered some DVDs and living in DEADWOOD at the moment. After those 3 series plan on riding the 3:10 to Yuma and a few more stops along the way. :cool2:
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I will do a rare comment on our.....little troll.....Rustic1....that has INFESTED and INFECTED this thread. I can see you guys interacting and bickering with him.

    The thread ASSHOLE.....every board has one.

    This reply and ATTENTION is what he lives for.

    He will sooner or later destroy this fact that is what he wants since it is simply JEALOUSY of the interaction and posters on here. He has some of the most OBSCENE and NASTY SEXUAL comments on the entire board and....than he backs off for a page or two. He MOCKS, HARASSES, DISRUPTS, the thread and especially the newer investors and posters.

    The MODS and OWNERS on this board will NOT do a thing about it.....even though they are making money off this thread by running advertising on it. Do you see any other thread on this board with advertising? He should be BANNED but will not.

    If you look back in this thread we had more and more participation, new members, and content being posted by many people......that is being destroyed by this BULLYING of posters. People WILL NOT come here and post is they are going to be harassed and mocked by the board JERK......and lately the more active he is the LESS and LESS new members and posters we are seeing.

    There is a reason he hangs out here when he does not agree with anything being posted here and on ANY down day chooses to gleefully harass and disrupt the thread......he is simply an INSECURE internet ASSHOLE. Of course...he could start his own thread. Or he and Tom B16 could start the big tent thread. BUT all BULLY'S he wants to disrupt this site......because he wants attention.

    He is not misunderstood, he is not just unable to express himself in civil society.....he is simply a DISRUPTIVE ASSHOLE....intentionally. He enjoys the attention and is exactly what he craves. This is the definition of an INTERNET TROLL. SO....I dont want anything to do with him or his SEXUAL PERVERSION.

    When you guys interact with him and try to draw him out in a positive are simply playing his game......"it is all about him". The ONLY way to get rid of an ASSHOLE is to ignore them...totally. And....if you are lucky in a year or two he will be gone. That is why I have him on "ignore". I have seen various boards DIE over the is always the same.....exactly like is going on here. People get tired of it and they leave...or they never come in the first place because the board is a HOSTILE place populated by ASSHOLES.

    Oh yes.....I remain fully invested for the long term as usual.
    zukodany likes this.
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I will not be posting much for the next couple of days......not due to the resident ASSHOLE....but because I am tied up with shows for the next couple of days that involve some long days and late nights.
  15. oldmanram

    oldmanram Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2021
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    Glad to hear your busy !!!!
    WXYZ: I was at my daughters V-ball tourney a few weeks ago and I strolled into a local gallery, these were on display , thought about you and Emmett
    20210425_165847 (Large).jpg 20210425_165852 (Large).jpg

    Since most of US can't afford an actual van Gogh
    TomB16 and emmett kelly like this.
  16. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    amen. Do not feed the troll OR trolls
    You know who you are. NOW we do too
  17. andyvds

    andyvds Active Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I need many more days like today...
    TomB16 likes this.
  18. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I think there are two primary factors in this consideration.

    There is an obvious convenience to having dividend bearing companies when you need cash to live on so it's an obvious retirement mechanism. Also, I think older investors start to realize their dividend bearing holdings perform extremely well over time, compared to bursty growth holdings. It is a classic tortoise / hair scenario.

    The biggest factor, for me, is tax optimization. In unsheltered accounts, when I was making a salary, I leaned heavily toward growth.

    Now that I no longer make a salary, I have quite a bit of unsheltered dividends.

    I would suggest there is an even larger factor. Specifically, the quality of a company ought to be more important than it's shareholder remuneration model. It's hard to find good companies. When I find one, I find a way to fit it into my portfolio as tax efficient as possible, regardless of it's distributing status.
  19. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Looking good, oldmanram! :thumbsup:

    I'd cut my ear off to own a couple of those. :cool:
    Dogtown likes this.
  20. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    If the market crashes any more, I may be able to start flying private. (please notice the obvious hyperbole)

    The lesson of ignoring my gut and objectively looking for value has never paid off so well as it has recently. We onboarded a new company in March of this year, with the market at record highs, because it showed value. That company is doing well.

    We have done extremely well but not because my macro intuition is good. My macro intuition is crap but I am aware of this and ignore events that seem like they will obviously happen.

    There is never a time when I would not buy a company because of macro factors. If it shows value, I buy. Assuming my gut is an idiot is the smartest thing I do. The second smartest thing I do is to assume everyone else is also an idiot. No offence.

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