The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Yeah gtrudeau88. But, you have to expect that since you seem to be short term momentum trading this insane news driven market. If I had to put probabilities on your recent buys.....I would say the probability favors you short term. But that sort of short term trading can be maddening......not to mention.....hard on the pocket-book.

    I am glad that you are posting your trades and results on here. It will be interesting to follow along and see how it all turns out in the end. You have certainly done very well so far in this crazy environment.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I ended today with a small loss for the day. A crazy DOWN....UP.....DOWN day for the markets. And......I think this might be a first......I TIED the SP500 today. That is probably a victory with my recent results in this down market. That is the price I pay for being a long term investor.

    My stocks that were UP today are.......Nvidia, Honeywell, Google, and Tesla.
  3. andyvds

    andyvds Active Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    On days like these, I have the idea the whole stock market is manipulated by some large corporate clowns.
    WXYZ likes this.
  4. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Totally short term momentum driven. And yeah bad days do happen. I am just stunned at the flip from up to way down in less than an hour.

    I ain't complaining much. I am down 1.45% ytd but still way ahead of the s&p index of -13%. I always understand the mantra no pain no gain.
    WXYZ likes this.
  5. mizugori

    mizugori New Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    I picked up some nike and honeywell today as planned. Didn't quite catch the BOTTOM but I'm still pretty happy with my results. Overall I'm still only down like 6% from when I started last year... and that's all because of a stupid mutual fund I was buying into before I found this site and xyz changed my investing life lol. If you exclude that mutual fund I'm actually still up like 2%... crazy how investing actually works when you only buy solid companies! I still need to learn more about how to pick them though, truth be told I live in fear of the day when xyz gets sick of posting on here!
    Globetrotter, TireSmoke and WXYZ like this.
  6. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Saw what you said about quality companies and I agree. But every so often quality companies can get you like mine did today. General dynamic and mosaic aren't bad companies. But wxyz was right when he said I gambled on a Short term trend. Yesterday the gamble worked when I avoided the 2.95% drop in the s&p. Today the gamble failed miserably.

    2 day is too short to say I did well or screwed up. But no getting around, today was a kick in the nuts.

    WXYZ likes this.
  7. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    I promise that after this Russian things over with that I will return to the fold of being at least a medium term investor.

    The inquisitor is here now towing an iron maiden, ready to punish me for my heresy!
    WXYZ likes this.
  8. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    There is nothing wrong with following what you think gtrudeau88. You have a strategy and are only two days into it. It is going to take a lot longer than just a couple of days to see how it works out,

    Actually I think following the different strategies that other investors are doing in this thread is one of the primary benefits of being a reader or poster here.
  9. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    AND.......thank you for the kind words mizugori.

    The point of this thread is not for give investment advice. It is to serve as a place for discussion of all types of investing and strategies.....with my personal focus being on LONG TERM INVESTING.

    My hope is that some day.......when I am not posting any longer.......this thread will STILL serve as a place for LONG TERM INVESTING discussion and a place for long term investors to hang out. In addition the.....nearly 500 pages of this thread......will NEVER be outdated. The information on here will be just as relevant 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 years from now as it is now. My family has been investing in the style that I use for over 60-70 years grandfather, my grandmother after his death, my mom and dad, and now me.

    This thread is FULL of information and market data that supports the theory of LONG TERM INVESTING as a lifetime strategy. So.....I hope this thread is a good resource for LONG TERM INVESTORS for many decades......even if I am not posting.

    That said.....I hope I have many more years of active posting and investing.
  10. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    We hope so too. So eat right, get plenty of exercise, make love to your wife often, and you'll be with us for a long time!

    WXYZ likes this.
  11. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Thanks. Humans adapt strategy to circumstance all the time. And definitely, my strategy needs a couple weeks to see if it bears fruit. Right now it's a wash. Had I stayed with the s&p focus I would be down roughly 3.25% or more from Friday's close. Now I'm down like 4.4%. 1% is probably not statistically meaningful at this point.

    WXYZ likes this.
  12. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    WELL....if you trust the futures.....we are in for a big rally today. I was thinking late last night that we should be due for a rally. The markets seem to have gotten way oversold compared to recent events....or lack of events. EVERYTHING that is happening has been baked into the markets and impacting the markets for many weeks. It is time to get some of those losses back.

    Of course....the open and the close are separated by market infinity these days.
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    If we do have a rally will be compliments of the "little people"......the retail investors. The "professionals" and institutional investors are afraid of their shadows. Hiding out in the hills......afraid to hold anything more than a day much less over a weekend. usual it is the little investors that will be RIGHT as usual.
  14. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    I am a little investor as I'm 5 ft 2 and 110 lbs. However if premarket sales are any indication I'm in for a long day.

    WXYZ likes this.
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    It is very difficult to find any sort of market financial article that is not all....Russia, Russia, Russia. The other topic that I see a fair number of articles about at the moment is Cathy Wood and ARK. Here is a rare little article on one of my stocks.

    Costco stock surges during Russia-Ukraine war as traders seek safe havens

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Costco (COST) has turned into the ultimate safe-haven investment (yet again) as markets have gotten uprooted due to the Russian war on Ukraine.

    Shares of the warehouse giant have gained about 8% since the war began in late February. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite are down slightly during that same span. Walmart's stock (WMT) is up 5%

    The buying activity likely reflects several factors.

    First is that Costco is a mostly U.S.-focused operation, meaning less relative geopolitical risk to the stock price.

    The company operates about 69% of its warehouses in the United States. Costco has no stores in Russia or Ukraine, and only two locations in China.

    Secondarily, Costco operates hundreds of gas stations in the parking lots of its warehouses. These pumps are often the last in a town to raise prices during inflationary periods, per Costco's long-time focus on being the cheapest on gas.

    In turn, Costco usually sees an influx of traffic into its warehouses when gas prices rise as shoppers fill up on cheaper gas and then go inside the store to stock up in bulk on food to save money.

    "Near-term, market may be underestimating the strength of Costco's position with higher inflation," said Jefferies analyst Stephanie Wissink.

    Wissink has a Buy rating on Costco's stock with a $650 price target.
    And lastly is the likelihood that Costco lifts membership fees later this year, which could be a major tailwind to the stock.

    Costco's last membership fee increase kicked in on June 1, 2017. It took its Gold Star membership fee up $5 to $60. Executive membership fees increased by $10 to $120. At the time, the increases impacted about 35 million members.

    The company generally raises membership fees every five years.

    But with inflationary pressures in areas like labor and transportation still running hot, a hike in Costco's membership fees would go a long way to alleviating pressure on profit margins.

    And it could also be very beneficial to Costco's stock price, if history is any predictor.

    Guggenheim John Heinbockel's analysis of Costco's last three membership fee increases in 2006, 2011 and 2017 shows the stock rose on average 11% three months prior to the announcement. The stock gained on average 15% six months prior to the announcement."


    An amazing company. The markets TOTALLY disrespected the latest Costco earnings a few days ago. A big mistake. this company is an American institution and a very well run business machine.
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Speaking of Costco.......I cant read this article without being a subscriber.....but the headline says it all. Another brilliant step by the company.

    Costco has chartered 7 ships for the next 3 years to increase supply chain flexibility

    "Over the next three years, Costco Wholesale Corp. will charter seven ships, up from three previously, in order to increase its supply chain flexibility. The company has also leased containers for use on these ships, which will transport goods between Asia, the U.S. and Canada. "With these additions, about a quarter of our annual trans-Pacific container and shipment needs are being accommodated this way, which gives us additional supply chain flexibility," said Chief Executive Richard Galanti......"
  17. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I can account to at least 2 of these treats
    TireSmoke likes this.
  18. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    So you're eating right and getting plenty of exercise huh?
    zukodany and TireSmoke like this.
  19. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Amazon stock continues to struggle. The rest of the BIG TECH companies are very nicely in the positive when you look at one year stock price gains. Amazon (total return) sits at about (-11.2%) as of yesterday. Everyone including myself....sits and waits for all their recent investment into the business to have a positive impact. While we wait the company continues to add to their modern CONGLOMERATE business model.

    Exclusive-Amazon to secure unconditional EU approval for $8.5 billion MGM buy - sources

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "BRUSSELS (Reuters) -Amazon is expected to win unconditional EU antitrust approval for its $8.5 billion buy of U.S. movie studio MGM, people familiar with the matter said, a move that is set to ramp up competition with streaming rivals Netflix and Disney+.

    Announced in May last year, the deal would also strengthen Amazon's video streaming service, drawing people to subscribe to Amazon Prime, which offers fast shipping and encourages consumers to shop more regularly.

    The MGM acquisition would give the world's largest online retailer rights to James Bond, one of the most lucrative franchises in film history that's earned nearly $7 billion at the box office globally, according to MGM.

    MGM also licences content for video games, which could benefit Amazon's development efforts in that area.

    The European Commission, which is scheduled to decide on the deal by March 15, declined to comment.

    Amazon said: "Completion of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions, and we’re working with regulators to respond to requests."

    The Federal Trade Commission is nearing a mid-March deadline to decide on the deal, according to a source familiar with the matter."


    Keep racking up the new business segments. Sooner or later they will pay off in the stock price. I think the company has about 1-2 years before shareholders start to become DISGRUNTLED by the failure to grow the stock. I believe they will continue to be dominant and successful. In the meantime the new management needs to show some results.
    #9959 WXYZ, Mar 9, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  20. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am looking forward to my final earnings report. NIKE will report......I believe.....on March 21.

    As you can see I avoiding ALL the short term market driving news items that the markets and short term traders are currently OBSESSED with. I have to do something to entertain myself while I wait for market SANITY to return.

    Actually I believe the current market drop is.....SANE. It is normal and totally expected that the market would drop short term with the TRIPLE THREAT that we are seeing right now from....the FED.....inflation.....and Ukraine war. At least he current market drop has some rational basis to ACTUAL events.....versus....speculative fear mongering or short term manipulation.

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