The Official Stockaholics Workout and Nutrition Thread!

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Stockaholic, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    whelp, you all should know this thread was coming lol! i'm going to be pretty active in this thread over the course of the next couple of weeks/months ahead as i transition msyelf back into the fat burning phase for the spring/summer seasons! can't wait ... been waiting forever it seems for the weather to warm up around here! now to tackle these last stubborn 25-30lbs! :cool:

    gonna have a lot more in here as we official launch this place in the next couple of days ahead!
    OldFart and PrettyBird like this.
  2. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    520 deadlift pr!
    T0rm3nted, TomB16, OldFart and 2 others like this.
  3. PrettyBird

    PrettyBird New Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Hey Cy! Im glad you started this thread. I need inspiration. This winter has been brutal with all the sweet treats. I need to drop some inches around my waist. I started a cleanse today. Its been sooo hard. Soo hard.
    Stockaholic likes this.
  4. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Tell me about it!! :confused:

    I had quite the setback this winter ... albeit I had just managed to get it under control before it was looking like it was about to completely unravel for me again. I wasn't about to let that happen though. I've been mostly spending time in the weight room and not really focusing on cardio as much. But, now with the warmer climate seasons heading our way I am gonna be going at it pedal to the metal again! And, this time I am aiming to finally get down to my ultimate goal. I'm about roughly 25-30lbs away right now.

    But yes, this winter has been kind of a rough one for me. I hate to make excuses for myself, but I was going pretty good until the weather got cold out. I'm really looking forward to getting back out and running/biking again. I really missed that quite a bit, and I just can't stand doing cardio in the gym. It's just not as nice as doing it out in the nature trails.

    Can't wait to get it rolling already! And I plan to use this thread to update in here again as I go along. Let's do this thang!

    Anyway, I'm really happy that you made it over to this new site @PrettyBird ! I was afraid that I'd lose you in this big site move. Phew! :D
    PrettyBird likes this.
  5. Stella A

    Stella A New Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    I'm looking for a new workout regimen, but I don't think this is it! o_O

    Think I'll just run a few miles instead.
  6. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    I ran 5k the next day @9min/mile. Jogging pace.

    Today I did 400m run then 6 cleans at 225lbs every 5minutes for 30 minutes. 2 min rest after then max clean reps in 1 min.
  7. Stella A

    Stella A New Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    That's pretty impressive!
    IchiFutures likes this.
  8. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    whelp, i'm finally back at it again on the greenway trails here! albeit i do need to make a quick confession here ... i'd be lying if i did not tell you guys this but while i did put on some muscle weight over the cold winter months as i was focusing more on weight training and less on cardio ... i also did put on a bit of *cough* blubber *cough* weight as well lol ... that being said i just need to lose 20lbs this summer to really get down to my ULTIMATE goal weight which is about 160lbs

    i know its very doable, and i certainly know what it will take to get there ... but i just need get out there and do it to it!

    i'm already down 10lbs since reaching a winter high of 190lbs <-- interestingly enough that was my LOW from back in 2011 --> so if you were to chart my weight over the past 5 years, i basically hit RESISTANCE at my old low lol!

    anyway, i will be focusing most of my efforts on cardio during these warmer summer months ahead, but i won't be neglecting the weight room entirely like i did last year! i'll still try to fit in 1 or 2 days for weights per week however honestly no more than that!

    i really want to try to lose these last stubborn lbs away, and preferably by the end of this summer!

    i have been very eager to get back into the workout routines again since the weather warmed up so here is my chance to go at it pedal to the metal for the next 5 months at least!

    i will try to update y'alls in here whenever i can like i did over at our old home HSM as i go along!

    wish me luck lol :p

    EDIT: how are the rest of you guys doing with your health & fitness of late?

    it has been a while!
  9. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I either run or do a speed walk with my tunes...Love it
  10. SomeDudeAtHome

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Not trying to start a fight here or anything because that's a lot of weight to move either way but your form is terrible. I'd drop the weight and learn how to dead lift properly to correctly build muscle instead of ego.
  11. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Can you post a vid of yourself using optimal deadlift form at a max effort weight? There's no ego there. It's call a max effort lift (3x bodyweight) Been training a long time. I also compete. I have deadlift vids posted ranging from 405 up to 520.

    Instead of saying your form is terrible lol Tell me what I should change. Post a vid of yourself with proper form ;)
  12. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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  13. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Am I building my muscles correctly here? Just a little speed work. 50% bar 25% band
  14. SomeDudeAtHome

    Apr 6, 2016
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    You're a strong guy no doubt but you need to straighten out your back. Everything else looks good but your upper back between your shoulder blades is way too round. Pull your shoulders back and push your chest out before you lift the weight. Youtube Mark Rippetoe deadlift. A little rounding while going for a max lift is fine but that's still too much. Maybe it's a habit or maybe your max lift with correct form is less than 520.
  15. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    The thoracic spine can handle flexion and is quite common in competitive deadlifters. In fact, some of the best deadlifters of all time use thoracic flexion to their advantage. It's the lumbar extension that you have to worry about. That's where you see slipped L5 C1 discs occur. My thoracic is rounded slightly on the 520, however on the 515 it's flat. I do strive to keep thoracic flexion to a minimum.
  16. SomeDudeAtHome

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Seems like you know you're really knowledgeable and as long as you're aware it's happening. I do deadlift but don't max out anymore because I've set my goals differently but I always try to keep my entire back straight. I see too many guys at the gym moving a lot of weight but doing it all wrong and don't have half the smarts you do. To say "terrible" in my original post was a little harsh.
  17. IchiFutures

    IchiFutures Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    I totally understand your concern. I witness terrible form in commercial gyms routinely. I have yet to see someone at my globo gym squat to depth. Most do quarter squats in the rack. I basically have to ignore everything I'm seeing or I'll freak out haha
  18. Value543

    Value543 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Hey Hey! Glad to see one of my favorite thread on (feels weird to type!)...back in business! And cool to see @Cy McCaffrey posting back under his handle. Prior to my disappearing a month or so ago, I dont know what was up with your handle, Cy, but it looked like some auto-account or something. Most likely just on my end...Anyway...

    The past year has been horrible for me...I mean, really really bad! Work was crushing comes & goes in cycles like that. So I am definitely looking at getting back into it and contributing more here again!

    And I see @IchiFutures is the same beast, just under a new handle, HaHa!
    Stockaholic likes this.
  19. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    yo dude!! @Value543 so nice to see you pop back in here man!! holy crap ... i was wondering what the heck happened with you! i really missed you terribly around here like you have no idea bro ... i didn't know how else to reach you but to use the "@" mention feature here in hopes that you would get an e-mail notification from the board ... IDK if that did the trick or what? but you're here! woot!!

    it is so awesome to see you back on here! and you have been missed on the weekly polls to boot! not to mention how much i missed your trade journal updates, as well as your nightly market updates on the main threads!

    oh god as for what happened with me here ... LOL! man i honestly rather not get myself into that again ... what a trip that was haha! it was sooo weird, but also a good learning experience at the same time ... a lot of unnecessary drama that i had created but overall just a strange 6 weeks for me, where i essentially called it quits here only to make a return after realizing how foolish of a thing i did! lolol

    it was an awkward couple of months there for sure .... but i'm happy to be back at it again here at our good 'ole 12yr community once again! never again will i pull off another crazy act like the one i did during that whole HSM move! that was crazy! yowza!

    anyway, yea man, glad to hear you're getting yourself back into it here again! i must admit it was a real pleasant surprise to see your name on the list of new posts this afternoon! really cool!

    i haven't updated my workout progress in a little while here, but just to give y'alls a quick update in here now, things are going pretty well again! i've been hitting it up real good on the greenway trails with the running and biking around me as i was planning, and i'm now down about 15lbs since my winter high!

    that being said, i still have a bit ways to go to reach my old summer low last year which was about 158lbs or thereabouts, but its coming along pretty nicely so far!

    one week at a time ... but i'll say i'm pretty damn excited about this new year! :)

    this is gonna be the year to finally reach my ultimate goals and just freaking maintain that already lol! barring any major disasters or injuries i hope to be there by the end of the summer!

    thx for checking in @Value543 was really sweet to just see your posts again man!
  20. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Been a while since this thread has been updated but I'm curious to hear how everyone is hanging in there with their health & fitness?

    Not much changes here ... still just maintaining for the most part as I now transition to a less cardio more weight training winter months ahead.

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