Just saw it. It's everything I feared. It will be the hit of Beverly Hills housewives taking their kids to soccer practice. No self respecting tradesman would pull up to a job site in this thing. It's a unibody truck for metrosexuals. I love Tesla but my gawd..... [further...] People who work for a living are going to shake their head and laugh. They won't get it. People who play will get it. I expect they could go to Glamis on a big weekend and sell 10,000 units. This is not... definitely not... an F-150 killer. The idea they might hope it could causes me to question my confidence in Elon. He is clueless as to what a work truck needs to be. I don't think they will lose money on it, though. It should sell OK as a niche vehicle.
I like it. Different but sends the signal only Elon could get away with. Like it or not, he revolutionized the auto industry with a slap in the face that has the big makers scratching their butts and spending a fortune playing catch up Who would ever have dreamed of a ELECTRIC MUSTANG "like it" Tesla may not dominate in the furure as others follow, but they are the pioneer. Cheers to TREELON Congrats to Tom , his patience and expertise have paid off well on this investment.
The current price of 330 seems like a substantial over reaction to me. I get it, the Tesla truck isn't going to capture many F-150 buyers but it's not going to put Tesla out of business. I'm confident they will sell in sufficient numbers to pay for the development program so I don't see the platform losing money. They have quite a few pre-orders, already. Suffice to say, everyone who knows me understands I am interested in Tesla. This morning, I've had conversations about the Tesla truck with friends who hate EVs. Everyone wants to talk about it. I don't know anyone who is raving about the truck but it's clear a lot of people are watching the Tesla truck. That has been an interesting revelation. I look at the current dip as a buy opportunity. The 3 continues to sell well and the Y is going to be a tremendous success. The truck isn't relevant to Tesla's P&L, at this time.
Interesting choice of words there, even though you did not intend it, but lets talk about the "platform". Am I to understand that way this truck is designed, there is no "frame"? Can the exterior simply be swapped out for a different design should they choose to add different models?
Correct. The truck is unibody. Some folks may have noticed the 500 mile range spec. For this and other reasons, I believe this is a new platform built using pouch cells. It will have significant differences with both the S/X and 3/Y platforms. Zero chance the truck will be built at Freemont. It will probably be built at GF1 but there are a couple of other facilities that could build it in small volume. I believe a van will be released on this same platform. Hopefully, they will reconsider the angular stainless steel concept for the van. Did anyone pay attention to the Tesla ATV at the end of Elon's show? If priced as well as I expect, that will be a slam dunk. I wonder if the ATV will be built at Lathrop or perhaps GF2.
This is of little value to investors but where do you suppose GF5 will be located? This is little more than a lottery. I speculate it will be a second factory in China.
Elon tweeted Tesla is currently at 146,000 pre-orders. As much as I find the Cybertruck to be hideous and not useful, I can see how it might strike a chord with with millennials. Personally, I think the Cybertruck is a non-factor. I highly doubt it will lose money but it isn't going to make a dent in the truck market that Elon announced was his goal.
The cybertruck model will not be too popular, but as soon as they change the body shape to something more accepted by the masses, it will sell well.
OK, so I don't like the Cybertruck. I'm not objective about it because I can't get past the styling. Details are starting to come out of an ecosystem Tesla wants to build around this truck. They have an interesting camper attachment and also a solar bed option. Elon cites the solar bed as being capable of producing about 15 miles of range per day. He also suggests additional folding panels could add another double or triple that. https://twitter.com/JRussell614/status/1197888282354470912?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1197889310550216704&ref_url=https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-cybertruck-daily-range-boosts-solar-panels/ Consider a truck that drives 50 miles per day, 5 days per week. That's 250 miles per week. Throw on a solar roof that generates 105 miles per week and you've just taken a 42% reduction in energy cost.