What $2 to $10 stocks will sill soar in 2017

Discussion in 'Stock Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX' started by Tiptopptrader, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Last year my picks AMD (mid-twos) and S ($3) climbed 300% and made good money for those that bought in. A stock does not have to be fundamentally strong to make the big jump but the numbers need to be improving and preferably gaining market share. This is what caught my eye with AMD and when I seen the strong accumulation I started buying.

    There are a number of stocks that I think will be runners this year like BAC, MGM, MPEL and VLY but I would like to find one in the $2 to $10 range. Reason being there is more upside potential. Case in point is AMD that out performed NVDA by about 30% and S that outperformed the telecom sector in 2016. When I bought LVS in the mid-twos in 2009 it went over $85 in 2014...Best pick ever,

    If you feel that you have a pick that fits the bill, post it here and we will kick the tires on it and maybe find the next AMD, S, or even LVS. Please give me your reasoning on the said stock,
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Sweet idea for a thread, TTT! Thanks for creating this. :D

    I'll have a pick or two posted in here with some rationale a little later this weekend. I think this will be a really fun thread to see what others are seeing as far as the next potential big mover in 2017! Should be interesting. :)
    Tiptopptrader likes this.
  3. rg7803

    rg7803 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Maybe one mining company...?
  4. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Any certain mining company Rg? I value your picks as you gave me SID early last year that paid off a few times. I missed the run this time around.
  5. rg7803

    rg7803 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Hi Tip :) !

    I´ve been trading a couple of names, GG and AUY. GG is a bigger name, 4 times bigger, than AUY, however I think there is potential in both cases for good runs, during 2017. Of course gold behaviour will be soberain and rull...

    Lets start with a long frame (monthly) chart about gold.


    After several years falling in 2016 we saw a sort of a possible reversion; we saw 1400$ then price retraced again but this time not going under previous lows. This is a bullish sign for gold.

    GG charts (monthly and weekly): I see an interesting potencial here if gold reaches previous levels, seen in 2011/2012. Beeing this miner gold producer (also silver, copper, lead, etc) its natural the similarity of both charts. Same will aplies to AUY bellow.

    gg_m.png ~

    AUY is a similar case however looking at both charts potential can be bigger. Maybe this is due the fact that in Yamana gold is indeed the main product, not a part of a range as in Goldcorp. As is natural this driver can be very good/very bad depending on gold behaviour...since I believe that 2017 world will be a darker and dangerous place, its possible that gold will shine again.


    By curiosity I checked what is Louis Nevallier opinion on both stocks; LN checks stocks on fundamental terms and enables a free tool called "portfolio grader" where grades a large number of stocks. In these cases both ratings are "B", wich means a "buy" (rating from A, strong buy, to F, strong sell).

    Here goes the link.
    Just type the ticker name!
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  6. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Thanks Rg and that appears to be a good site you sent. I concur the stocks you recommended would be more of a play when we are expecting a rebound in Gold? I will check them out a little more a little later.
  7. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    One I've heard of is NBEV.
    (ctrl+f nbev)

    Their executive Brent Willis came on last year and was former top lieutenant with Coca Cola Latin America, CEO of COTT Corporation, and a high level executive who helped Anbev grow and eventually acquire Budweiser (Anheuser).
    Industry average P/S=3, while NBEV is around 1.8. It looks like it will pull back right now.
    I've heard of plans to uplist to the NASDAQ soon.
  8. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    I like disruptive technology because it give the little guy a way in to the world of the big companies. I am, like others, seeing an explosive change in the whole energy sector towards the use of lithium batteries for electric vehicles and static storage to compliment solar panels. These batteries need lithium and lithium is in short supply with prices going through the roof. So I checked out lithium miners and found a small one that was nearing production at the time. Galaxy Resources on the AX AX:GXY If you had bought them in Sept 2015 your stake would be x25. They have more than doubled since mid November 2016. What I like is they have a very good website for investors with photographs showing progress. http://www.galaxyresources.com.au/Investor/Research_Reports.htm Click on the blue PDF link on the right of the report you want to see. Galaxy mine lithium which comes in it's ore form, they mine the seam then have to separate out the lumps of ore from the surrounding rock and then ship it off. They are actually shipped ore to customers and actually have a revenue and a P/E of 12.32. One year change listed at 256.76%. Forgot to mention the share price 0.66 AUS dollars equivalent to $0.495
    #8 homosapienfromterra, Jan 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  9. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    NBEV has quite the run and some good PR's. The only problem is running the fundamentals on it because it a OTC BB the FA is limited but looks a little weak on that end It has merit but currently thinnley traded. It does have a little pennant building but I would like to see some increased volume for a nice pop. On the other hand I see it has made some nice upward movement from the low volume area. I started a thread on it but had too put it in the penny forum as there is not one for OTC BB stocks. A move to the Nasdaq would be great.


    Here is a one year and 3 month chart

    Attached Files:

  10. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Interesting and good DD on your part @homosapienfromterra . The only problem this does not trade in the US. Possibly you could come up with a ticker that trades on our indexes that mirrors what GXY
  11. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I am still looking for the next big performer for 2017. I actually have not given too much thought to as lately. For those that were on HSM in 2009, I had a blog called Trading ahead of the Curve. I did real well with my picks there. Ask your self what sector will thrive in 2017 and with-in that sector what stock could soar to new heights? It takes a lot of time to analyse and come up with the perfect pick(s) but not impossible as my track record from 2016 shows.

    The candidates should be in the $2 to $10 range and have a good average volume and trade on the DOW, S&P 500, or Nasdaq .
  12. khuya

    khuya New Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Have you given a thought about the weed industry? It has grown quite a bit in 2016, but given that it has not yet been legalized at the federal level, there still quite a bit of room to grow. Canadian is in the progress of doing this at the country level.
  13. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I have thought about it but it is a personal thing with me, regarding, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Weed. If you have a stock in mind we can still kick the tires on it.
  14. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    Different sector (Transport) LUV Nice growth good financials and has value. I use a variety of ways to check value and I am seeing + 50% value. My theory why airlines have been a bad bet is because they need a middling to low oil price, thriving economy and a situation where there is no overcapacity in planes. What do we have now? We have all three. Then investigate each stock and right now for me it is LUV but watch out for earnings on the 25th Jan BMO then either stand back or get in quick. At the date of this post the stock price was $51.09
    Stockaholic likes this.
  15. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    My next stock is going to surprise but I believe the satellite industry is set for a comeback. IRDM if you look at the charts you will not see anything to indicate this is a good buy and as I like a bargain I would let it fall before choosing an entry point. The reason for this pick is SpaceX, they are already offering cheap launch costs but these are set to drop further as they have been successful in landing their first stages and will be offering further price cuts to launch on an already used 1st stage. This will benefit the likes of Iridium who are in the early stages of a big satellite replacement project. They have just launched 10 via SpaceX last week (ten at a time) then have another 62 on 7 launches for future dates. Looking at the known dates of launches SpaceX is aiming to launch every 6 weeks, although they have other customers. This will be a long term play but watch out for the space industry and IRDM as I think their prices will rocket.
    At the date of this posting the price was $10.05
  16. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    Next pick is PSTG. Pure Storage is a Tech company with it's own storage solution. It is a flash array storage solution that it is smaller and faster than previous hard disk solutions. The Japanese bank SoftBank is using it to run all - yes all - their virtualised desktops. So all their storage for their employees computers. This says to me it is reliable. PSTG have a customer base of 2600 customers and are adding about 300 new customers per month. PSTG is heavily shorted at 38% and even when the results are good the price can rise then not sustain. The stock looks like a swing trade at the moment is bounces between about $11.50 and $14.80 Next earnings est March 1st, consensus EPS ($0.24). I do think the big boys in storage will react by creating their own products or by taking them over.
    Price at the date of posting was $12.02
  17. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the picks @homosapienfromterra! IRDM has already had a nice 52 week run from 6.14 to 10.05. Interesting stock that may have more upside merit. With the short interest of over 20% it can bring some big swings, one way or another. The fundamental's are mixed but not bad. Dropping from the upper BB it could be close to an entry price around 9.75ish. Earnings the last week of Feb. I will get back to you on the other picks.


  18. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    PSTG is out of the $2 to $10 price range I was looking for but I did a little research and TA anyway. Off the highs of November it is trending towards the upper BB. As the bands have tightened a breakout is possible. The fundamentals are weak but but as they are doing storage for Softbank says a lot as Softbank is being heavily invested in. $1 billion investment from Apple alone. (I will pass on LUV as it is way out of the price range I was looking for)

    Strong volume on Jan 20 2017

  19. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    FCX - this is I found researching guru trades, check this link https://stocknews.com/news/?date=&type=barrons&bull-or-bear=all&stock-category=all&symbol= Ron Barron's picks. He says FCX have turned around their debt and reduced operating costs for producing copper which are just over a dollar a pound. He says if the price of copper holds above $2.50 per pound then this company will earn $1.40 per share. This on a $15.50 dollar share. Earnings date 25th Jan BMO
  20. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    FCX is out of the $2 to $10 price range I was looking for but I did a little research and TA anyway. The fundamentals are weak but it does have a bullish looking chart. The link that your provided looks like they may be turning the company around as stated. A little risk buying before the 25th.


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