Discussion in 'Penny Stocks' started by Rickydi, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Renforth Grab Samples 0.71% Ni from Unexplored Area of ~20km Victoria Mineralized Structure

    2022-09-26 07:01 ET - News Release

    • New outcrop mineralization discovered east of road, near centre of ~20km Victoria structure, highest grab sample result 0.71% Ni in albitized ultramafic with sulfides
    • Discovery of second band of mineralization north of previous drilling at Victoria
    • Lalonde delivered consistent elevated values including 0.33% Ni in grab samples from mineralized horizon currently being stripped
    September 26, 2022 - TheNewswire - Pickering, Ontario - Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE:RFR) (OT C: RFHRF) (FSE:9RR) ("Renforth" or the "Company") is pleased to deliver to shareholders results from prospecting targeting the polymetallic intrusive mineralization at Surimeau during May-July 2022. These results include 0.71% Ni in a grab sample from a previously unexplored area of central Victoria (east of the Rapide 7 road) and two assay results of 0.32% Ni in two separate grab samples obtained within the current stripping area at Lalonde west (west of the Rapide 7 road).

    Grab samples are preferentially selected and not representative of the entirety of a structure. In the case of Lalonde west follow up work consisting of stripping a wide band perpendicular (north/south) to the mineralized Lalonde structure (which runs east/west), followed by channel sampling, is ongoing as previously announced. In the case of central Victoria additional prospecting will be undertaken this fall.

    "These initial results validate the extent of surface mineralization on our Surimeau District Property. Our current interpretation is two separate polymetallic mineralized systems essentially running east/west, outcropping on surface, with lengths of ~20kms at Victoria and currently ~9km at Lalonde, the latter is still open on strike and unexplored. West of the Rapide 7 road the two horizons are separated north/south by ~3.7km. Copper and Zinc mineralization is hosted in a thick sequence of greywacke with graphitic mudstone interlayers while Nickel and Cobalt mineralization is hosted within ultramafic flows. The best mineralization is often found within and around sheared, albite altered, and calc-silicate altered ultramafics the sedimentary contact. We continue to learn more about this property with ongoing exploration to determine the extent and surface grade of the mineralization. We intend to drill at Victoria west this winter, building on the drilled mineralized package as deep as 180m with an ~125m package width over the ~2.2km we have drilled. We will also likely drill Lalonde west of the road for the first time. Our grab samples reflect the consistent presence of polymetallic mineralization with a wide range of grades, clearly there is with more work required, which we will do" states Nicole Brewster, President and CEO of Renforth.

    2022 Prospecting Results Summarized

    This press release reports on prospecting results obtained from the Victoria and Lalonde trends during the 2022 season, prior to trenching. Work to date leads Renforth to conclude that the Victoria and Lalonde are of similar mineralization environments, interpreting the geological setting as being a type of hybrid volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) and mono-sulfide solid solution (MMS) system where there was interaction between intruding Nickel enriched ultramafic magmas and sulfide-enriched sedimentary material leading to the formation of nickel mineralization alongside anomalous zinc and copper from any assimilated VMS systems. Following this prospecting work, a channel cutting program was carried out (results pending). Currently, the property has been chipped and stripped with channel cutting ongoing at Lalonde. Renforth's geologists will map and sample the newly stripped areas subsequent to a field break allowing the local community uninterrupted access for hunting. The results of the prospecting work highlighted below demonstrated to Renforth the consistent presence of some amount of polymetallic (Nickel, Cobalt, Copper and Zinc) mineralization throughout each system and support the continued exploration of the property in order to determine the size and extent of the occurrences.

    Victoria East and West Prospecting Result Highlights available @:


    For further information please contact:

    Renforth Resources Inc.

    Nicole Brewster

    President and Chief Executive Officer


    E: [email protected]
  2. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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  3. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    DIGGING DEEPER: Nicole Brewster (President & CEO), Renforth Resources

    On today's episode of Digging Deeper, Andrew O'Donnell catches up with: Nicole Brewster (President & CEO), Renforth Resources https://renforthresources.com/

    Renforth Resources Inc. is engaged in developing its’ wholly owned 330 km2 Surimeau District Project, Quebec’s newest polymetallic battery minerals system with several areas of mineralization, including the nickel, cobalt, copper and zinc mineralized Victoria structure. Victoria boasts ~20km of strike with surface mineralization and limited drilling, road access and hydroelectric power.

    Nearby Renforth also holds Parbec, a gold deposit with an obsolete 2020 MRE, beside Canada’s largest open pit gold mine, which is undergoing a model update after the last round of successful drilling to expand the deposit.

    Renforth Resources Inc. is headquartered in Pickering, ON, Canada. Digging Deeper with Andrew O’Donnell is brought to you by The Market Mindset and Red Cloud Media.

    themarketmindset.ca redcloudfs.com A livestream conversation presenting key drivers, urgency, and opportunity to investors. We are at a pivotal point in history, a truly important tipping point where the need for metals and minerals is critical to the nature of energy, technology, food, and transportation. Undoubtedly the entire world is going through a transformation, a Great Reset and people must understand that at its very foundation mining is the driver.

    THE MARKET MINDSET Our goal is to help you feel comfortable stepping into the stock market and are giving you free hot tips every day! WEBSITE themarketmindset.ca

  4. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Results! It has been so long....

    Surimeau! 0.71% Grab Sample, New Area....

    Here we go, prospecting results from this summer!

    Let me refresh your memory, this has been a while coming. You recall we flew our detailed mag survey earlier this year, along with EM, which gives us targets that represent sulphides detected in the first ~100m below ground. Well, that survey has turned out to be a fantastic, fairly low cost (or effective cost) tool, as previously stated, when our field team can find outcrop at a target (and it is not every time) they find sulphides with some amount of mineralization. That allowed us to interpret the Victoria and Lalonde systems as representing ~20km and ~9km mineralized structures respectively.
    Well, now we have the assays!
    As you know, grab samples are just that, a bag with some chunks of rock, a couple pounds perhaps, that tell us what is in the specific spot, and only that. I keep writing the same sorts of things - ie not representative, in press releases and my notes. Why? Well, because, a grab sample only tells you the values of the rock in the bag. Nothing more. But we can use that data to get an idea of the extent of mineralization, and the potential grade. We cannot conclude that, for example, our 0.71% Nickel in an entirely unexplored, by us or anyone else, area towards the middle of Victoria, is going to give that grade through out the structure. But we do now it is there in that spot. If it is there is it anywhere else? Well, time and work will tell. So - when you read about grab samples, or prospecting samples, understand the context of what you are reading. Now that I have thoroughly deflated that balloon and made it clear I am not promoting, and you will do your due diligence as always, let's talk!

    You saw in the PR we put out on Monday, linked below, that we got some 0.32% Ni grades in the Lalonde area with surface grabs - that was quite interesting to us in the field, and caused us to do some followup small scale trenching/channel cutting (results pending) along with the larger scale stripping/channel cutting (work ongoing). So, stay tuned, but it is interesting. The two structures are pretty close together and both very visible in our mag and EM. What does it mean? What, if anything, does proximity mean? We do not know yet, but we will work to find out.

    Really these prospecting results serve to highlight, to me at least, two particular things, as follows;

    1 - Lalonde is quite interesting and warrants follow up work, with mineralization similar to Victoria, demonstrating geophysical continuity supported by surface samples over the 9km we have had the opportunity to prospect, and open along strike (that means there is more of the anomaly to prospect, we have not done that yet). So work Lalonde we will, we know have a property with two mineralized structures separated by ~3.7 km (at least along the road, Lalonde is on an angle, not as e/w as Victoria), to me this means the scale, and the potential, at Surimeau continues to grow.

    2 - We were surprised by the 0.71% Ni grab in the central area of Victoria, it came alongside several other elevated (to various levels) nickel numbers. This area has never been explored, or if it was no record or evidence exists. So this is interesting, as the grade is higher, compared to other samples on the property, as you see from our press releases. We didn't expect that grade.
    This demonstrates an important (and frustrating) point about Surimeau - we cannot assume that what we are seeing now is where this property will finish. We do not know all there is to know. Yet.
    A few things won't change, location in Quebec between Rouyn and Val d'Or, beside Canada's largest open pit gold mine, Canadian Malartic, in the under explored Pontiac sediments. Year round road access with regional and national roads, and the power lines from the two hydroelectric generating stations, producing Canada's cheapest electricity, and some of the lowest carbon footprint electricity on the planet, to the south. A rail line. The Horne smelter, an hour away in Rouyn is not going anywhere. The democratic governments of Canada and Quebec are here to stay, as is the rule of clearly documented law in this country.
    All those things are here for a while.
    Consider too the macro picture, the need for metals. Who knows what the future holds but it needs metal, a lot of it, from mines that do not exist.
    Along with everything we know, and have seen form Surimeau to date, we have unknowns, and therein lies the excitement, the risk and the opportunity. As well as the magic of exploration.
    What will the next results bring? What will they add to the picture, which is slowly becoming clearer, of what Surimeau holds?
    We will see. But we do know what we know, and that justifies continuing to explore, working to define what we have and paint a clear picture.

    Press release linked below, in English and French.
    Before that is linked an interview I did with Market Mindset, a bit different this time. Maybe helpful? I have no idea....
    Also - if you are in and around New York next week I will be at the One 2 One show, if you are there and want to meet please look at my schedule and book.

    All for now, thanks for reading, do your DD and be safe out there



    Press releases English & French

    Market Mindset Interview
  5. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Market depth

    Bid count Bid Size........Bid Price....Ask Price.....Ask Size.....Ask Count
    18.......... .508,000.........0.025.........0.03............58,000..........2
  6. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    2022 StockPulse Silver Symposium Catalyst Clips | Nicole Brewster of Renforth Resources

  7. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Channel Sampling at Lalonde Uncovers Shear Zone and Associated Battery

    Press release highlights

    • July channel sampling program revealed mineralized shear in second channel, previously only seen within the historic pit in the powerline corridor at Lalonde
    • July channel sampling confirms second undrilled and not previously seen mineralized horizon at Victoria to the north of the stripped area
    • Current stripping program has discovered two shears, a north and a south, at Lalonde
    • July channel results include a highlight of 0.42% Ni over 0.6m within channel #2
    Complete PR available at: https://www.thenewswire.com/press-r...ne-and-associated-battery-mineralization.html
  8. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    The EV Revolution - How EVs are completely reshaping the auto industry
    Surimeau 330Km² of EV metals
  9. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Interview with Nicole Brewster, President & CEO of Renforth Resources (CSE: RFR) (OTCQB: RFHRF)

    Renforth Resources Inc. is a Canada-based gold exploration company. The Company’s owns surface gold bearing properties located in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.

    It holds the Parbec Property in the Malartic gold camp, with gold present at surface and to some depth, located on the Cadillac Break, contiguous to the East Amphi portion of the Canadian Malartic Mine property.

    It owns the Surimeau property, also contiguous to Canadian Malartic and the southern border of the Malartic West property. Surimeau hosts polymetallic mineralization.

    It also holds Malartic West property that covers approximately 53 square kilometers (km) and located within the Pontiac Sediments. Its Nixon-Bartleman project is located in the West Timmins Mining Area, in the western part of the Porcupine Mining Camp.

    0:00 - Company Overview 0:30
    Focus of the Company 3:01
    Plan in Developing a Large Nickel Sulfide Project 4:43
    Optionality in Advancing the Project 10:06
    Renforth Resources as an Investment 12:24 | 15:41
    Confidence in the Company and its Solely-Owned Project 14:07
    Possible Plans for Raising Capital 17:52
  10. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    RFR is @0.035¢ market price but with 0.25¢ value for Parbec and 0.11¢ for Surimeau read below

    RFR has the best of both world with Parbec Au open pit (mineralization starts at surface) Parbec Gold Property located 6 km northwest of the large Canadian Malartic open pit gold mine (Agnico Eagle Mines Limited and Yamana Gold Inc.) and adjoining the former East Amphi Gold Mine, all located on or near the gold‐localizing Cadillac Break.



    eResearch Corp Target Price of C$0.25

    Surimeau a battery metal district scale discovery on a 330 km² property


    According to Zack, based on comparative analysis of junior battery metals companies in the exploration- developmental phase, a mid-first quartile price-to-book (P/B) ratio of 7.6 indicates a share price target of US$0.08 or 0.11¢ Canadian
  11. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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  12. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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  13. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    We reiterate our buy recommendation for Renforth Resources with a price target of $0.29, which is 480% above today’s stock price.

    Renforth Resources (RFR) Company Report – May 07, 2022 Renforth Resources is a mineral exploration company that focusses on easily accessible Canadian-based gold projects. It holds Parbec, an open pit gold deposit, and Surimeau, a district scale battery metals discovery, both located near Malartic, Quebec, along with several other mineralized properties.

    While the magnitude for Surimeau continues to build, Parbec remains the most advanced asset. A structural study for the property is now underway, led by a specialized consulting firm. The extensive database of geological data will be reviewed to interpret similarities with other nearby gold deposits.

    The objective is to determine potential gold-bearing structural features that may be identified for exploration targets. These zones present the opportunity to expand the size of the deposit with additional exploration.

    Surimeau presents the right mix of resources at the right time, located in the ideal jurisdiction. Battery Metals are becoming the story of the commodity boom. Surging demand has placed a greater priority on advancement of new domestic deposits of these critical raw materials.

    Renforth has already delivered a discovery success at Victoria West with the confirmation of a large base metals system. The effort now shifts to expand on this beachhead.
  14. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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  15. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Quebec Nickel backed by Gold

    Primary ticker: CSE: RFR, OTCQB: RFHRF
    Stage of development: Exploration
    Primary minerals: Nickel, Cobalt, PGEs and Copper Zinc Silver

    Project to promote: Surimeau District Property
    Project location: Malartic, Quebec
    Website: renforthresources.com

    Corporate presentation: https://renforthresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/RFR-August-2022-PPT.pdf

    Corporate video:

    Renforth wholly owns Quebec’s newest battery metals district, the 330 km sq Surimeau project. The property has road access, hydro electric power lines on the ground, a rail line and surface battery metals mineralization beside Canada’s largest open pit gold mine in Malartic Quebec, a secure mining jurisdiction. Exploration to date has proven that the Victoria system stretches over ~20km with a mineralized ultramafic that, to date, reaches widths of 125m underground, consisting of a Ni Co PGE body occurring in the same location as a Cu Zn Ag (a tiny bit of Au to date) across the entire strike. 3 km north the Lalonde system, with the same mineralization, is currently at a length of 9 km, both bodies are at surface and open pittable.

    In addition Renforth holds and open pit gold deposit contiguous and on strike to Agnico/Yamana’s (soon Goldfields) Canadian Malartic Mine. An internal resource update is ongoing with a view to selling the gold deposit to fund continued development of the battery metals asset.

    Cash: CAD$1,500,000 (cash & investments)
    Debt: NIL

    Major shareholders:
    Radisson – 8.5%
    Management Ownership – 10%

    Management Profile

    Nicole Brewster – President and CEO

    A partner in a successful boutique exploration contracting firm Nicole became management of RFR, due to being the largest shareholder, at a time, looking backwards, which was the end of the junior exploration market. Rehabilitating the Company, the Board and rescuing asset ownership was followed by the maturation and sale of that gold deposit, which provided funding to further drill the Parbec deposit and acquire the Surimeau property, amongst other assets. Today Nicole is focussed on proving that Renforth’s newest battery metals asset, with excellent logistics and location, can be Quebec’s newest critical minerals deposit.

    What is your rationale for taking part in 121 Mining Investment?

    I am trying 121 in order to raise the profile of RFR, looking for support in the market.

    In addition to this the Parbec gold deposit is now non-core and available for sale in order to fund work at Surimeau.

    What recent news would you like to highlight to investors attending?

    July 26 2022 – Field exploration complete, Lalonde 9km strike length, visual results summarized
    June 9 2022 – Field exploration complete, results summarized, Victoria confirmed as 20km in length
    Mar 29 2022 – Assay results from Dec 2021 drill program including 3.46% Ni over 1.5m
    Jan 18 2022 – Channel results from Victoria stripped area
    Nov 10 2021 – Drill results from Victoria drill program
    Oct 6 2021 – the last of the Parbec drill results, includes infill hole result of 21.85m of 3.06 g/t Au
    Aug 24 2021 – earlier drill results for Parbec including 9.5m of 4.66 g/t Au, release also includes the Top 10 metal factor table for 20/21 drilling at Parbec.

    What are your key goals for the next 3, 6 and 12 months?

    3 Months:
    In the next 3 months we will be finishing field work at Surimeau before the snow flies – this will include trenching at Lalonde and Victoria in order to target future drilling and expose a mineralized structure discovered after the last drilling. We may continue our lithium prospecting at Surimeau as time allows.

    6 Months:
    In the next 6 months we will move into winter drilling at Surimeau and will have an internal resource update number for Parbec. This may lead to public disclosure, or, more realistically, additional drilling at Parbec if it is not sold in this time frame.

    12 Months:
    I expect 12 months out we will have an initial resource for the Victoria area of Surimeau complete, exploration focussed on Surimeau, both boots on the ground and drilling, will continue.

    What do you see as the key risks and challenges facing your company at the moment and how are you overcoming these?

    The market is not supportive of gold, gold juniors or exploration at this time, which precludes the sale of Parbec at an attractive price. The challenge is to keep moving forward while limiting dilution, and raising awareness of our pivot to battery metals on the basis of Surimeau.

    What do you think makes your company such a compelling investment?

    Renforth enjoys first mover advantage and the largest land position in what has been coined a new district, the Cadillac Pontiac Lithium camp. We have a vast under explored property which has been proven to host 29 km (to date) strike of mineralization, which presently can be described as a large scale low grade nickel sulphide polymetallic. As we continue to explore the property we will learn more, the property as it stands is moving forward in an environment of critical under supply of these minerals, all needed for energy storage/batteries, with a location and logistics which will drive the price to one day mine the lowest it can possibly be.

    What are the top 3 key investor takeaways?

    A new large scale surface battery metals discovery in a safe jurisdiction with excellent logistics and green power.
  16. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    RCTV | In Conversation With Renforth Resources Inc.

    Talk with Red Cloud Financial Services
  17. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Lots of stuff happening...we should talk

    Hello, it has been minute, but this email will bring you up to speed and beyond, if you want to take a few and read my news, thoughts and opinions (that is your requisite cautionary statement) as follows.

    Mineralization Sampled! We press released this week (linked below, in English and French) an update on the channeling at Lalonde - bottom line is mineralization in the bag! We did 3 interesting things differently this time...the first is the direction of trenching - you will see above the 3 big trenches we stripped and channel sampled. Unlike the work we did at Victoria West these trenches run north-south, perpendicular to the known strike of the currently 9km mineralized horizon at Lalonde (which is more or less striking west to east). Why is that interesting? Well - you may recall that at Victoria we trenched west to east (between drill holes) within mineralization that runs west to east. At the time it seemed like the right thing to do -it wasn't bad, we got mineralization on surface, but it wasn't the best, we subsequently learned that there is a second horizon of mineralization at Victoria, to the north of where we drilled and trenched, we missed it entirely. That is now on the to-do list.
    So - at Lalonde (and this is the second interesting thing) you will see that the two horizons within the magnetic anomaly (I am calling those shoulders form now on, because it is simpler) were both intersected in the trenching. Success. Mineralized material (we know this because our geo can see the mineralized rock types and they confirm it with an XRF) was bagged and tagged in the field, gone for assay. The stuff we missed at Victoria? We have grab sampled it, but we will try to drill through it, back the drill up and catch the north shoulder next time. So - where we worked at Victoria, drilling and stripping? It was half of the magnetic anomaly/mineralized system, the south half.
    The last thing that is different? Really just info for your curiosity - you all recall the torture we have been going through with labs...it became evident that the problem lies with the prep labs in Val d'Or, I am sure everyone is working hard but for whatever reason stuff was getting missed, moved out of line or somehow moving at a snail's pace. So - we shipped our samples to the prep lab in Ontario, for the same assay laboratory. We are told turn around will have results to us end of this month, we will see.

    Money! That was the news last week (which I didn't send a note for, sorry). We raised $688,000 in our first closing, second and final closing is next week.

    In other news we will be drilling shortly, planning meeting with geologists and Dr. Franklin on Monday, I expect we will do some work at Lalonde under the trenches and at Victoria, to catch the northern shoulder and go deeper in general.
    Stay tuned.

    Why are we drilling? Well, we are working to prove up Quebec's newest nickel deposit, we aren't there yet but on our way (Victoria/Lalonde is also polymetallic, other payable metals include cobalt, copper, zinc etc., a bit unique really) because I believe nickel is needed. You cannot get away from it, in North America it is unlikely that LFP batteries (no nickel) will be the dominant formulation - there are issues with cold weather charging (snow is in my forecast for Sunday, yay!?!) and range loss (ok, downtown Toronto from my house is technically <40km, however, most of that is creeping along the 401 or the Don Valley Parking lot, can't do that with a short range battery) which will limit the role of that formulation in my opinion, meaning the need for nickel will be real. And don't forget that is not the only place we use nickel. Canada has announced an immigration target of 500,000 people a year, who will all need housing, and typically move to either Toronto or Montreal. They are also substituting out of the green belt land around Toronto in order to build more houses to deal with our housing bubble...that all means metal, infrastructure...stainless steel. Another thing I wonder about is the resolution of the Tesla rumour wherein Telsa has been lobbying the Ontario and Quebec governments for a gigafactory location. They advertised and (seemingly)hired a Montreal based high volume recruiter. The Honourable François-Phillippe Champagne MP, Canada's Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry, also a Quebecer, visited Tesla in California ... and allegedly Musk will have something to say before year's end. Makes it an interesting time to be working on proving up a new nickel story. Of course, there is no magic for us - drill, drill, drill. So we will.

    Other than the above considerations around why nickel, why now? Check out a recent article from Rick - Mr. Biden is trying with his Inflation Reduction Act and multiple billions of dollars worth of juicing the system, but is it enough? We still do not know the results of the election, which will dictate whether he is a "lame duck" President for the rest of his term or he can jam more through the system...we will see. I think new North American nickel will be well positioned for success for several macro reasons, over and above our amazing physical location, with road and rail access to our surface mineralization in an under explored part of an established mining camp with sustainable power already on the property. Time, and drilling, will tell.

    Be well, enjoy your weekend (snow flurries) and stay tuned for more news soon - Nicole
  18. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Renforth Resources, President and CEO, Nicole Brewster joins us for this year's Fall Mining Showcase 2022, brought to you by Red Cloud Financial Services.
  19. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    RFR newsletter

    First hole is in the bag! (Literally, or parts of it)

    Press release out yesterday announcing our over subscribed financing has closed! You can read it below, in English and French. The release also gave an update on the first hole, which has since completed - essentially we are drilling under the westernmost trench, which uncovered mineralization on surface, we intersected it in the drill hole as well.
    All very good, stay tuned for more drilling news.

    What do I want to say other than the press release is out?
    Well - Rick at ahead of the Herd has written two interesting articles you might want to read, linked below.
    One is about Nickel and mentions Renforth, the other is about the world of Lead/Zinc. I suggest a read of that as we have both of those metals within the laundry list of metals we have at Surimeau. Our Zinc numbers are pretty good, not enough to be a stand alone Zinc story right now, but certainly enough to contribute to the economic value of the rock, and, you have heard me say, the polymetallic nature of what we are seeing at Surimeau makes us pretty unique, at least in the area where we work, NW Quebec, with road access and hydro-power in one of the premier mining jurisdictions in the world.
    Not too shabby.
    We will keep drilling.
    Lots of drilling to come.
    Lots of exciting and new information to add to the Surimeau story.
    Stay tuned!

    Renforth Raises an Oversubscribed Total of $1,558,100


    Renforth complète un financement plus élevé à 1 558 100 $


    Tight lead-zinc market keeping a floor under prices – Richard Mills


    GM signs nickel offtake with Vale, showcasing Canada’s resource and supply chain potential – Richard Mills

  20. Rickydi

    Rickydi Active Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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